All Topics / Opinionated! / Neil Jenman

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  • Profile photo of ansonlau


    It’s weird that you say you don’t know anything about Jenman’s system but you are sick of Jenman.

    I was very clear in saying I was not having a go at his system, but the way he goes after other people.


    Tell me some facts about the facts he has written that you have a problem with.

    An example of Jenman’s article that is high on emotions and low in facts:

    “But even if his information was free, Mr Otton’s wrap concepts would not be ethical. Wrapping is about exploiting battlers and placing them in a position of high risk… The reason is simple. Wrapping is a rotten concept, Mr Otton.”

    Has he say why it is not ethical, why it is rotten? How does it exploits battlers? Never mentioned. Now “rotten” is a pretty strong word to use, I would like to see him back it up by explaining why it is rotten.


    How can you stick up for the crooks? (Unless you are one).

    Who are the crooks? Are you saying all the seimnar people are crooks?


    Not an ounce of thought or compassion for the victims.

    People who were geuinely ripped off I do have a compassion for, like if you paid money to get something and the other party ran away, or didn’t give you what they promised.

    I believe people need to be responsible for their own decision. If you decide to pay substantial money to attend any of these seminar, and the seminar has taught you what they say they would cover, then it has done its job.


    If his stories are not true, why has he not been sued? Good point?

    You are right, his stories (where he reports people who are wanting their money back from various seminar people) are probably true.

    But I ask the question: a few people not happy with the seminars and want to get their money back – does that mean it is a scam? that the seminar people are ripping you off? and that they are crooks and liars?

    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    Hi ansonlau

    I found this article where Jenman does give his version of why Wraps are unethical:

    Other than that, I don’t have any comments on Jenman, except to say that he is indeed similar to John T Reed.


    Profile photo of ansonlau


    Hi ansonlau

    I found this article where Jenman does give his version of why Wraps are unethical:

    Other than that, I don’t have any comments on Jenman, except to say that he is indeed similar to John T Reed.


    Mel thanks for pointing that out. Obviously everyone has their own opinion about Jenman, Kaye, Spann, etc. I started the topic to get something off my chest (which is what ths Soap Box is for!). Done that and that’s the end of my arguement.

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