All Topics / General Property / Flat closer to CBD or house in outer suburbs of Melbourne?

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  • Profile photo of lopetha

    Hi all,

    Im looking at purchasing an IP. Just after your opinions on which would be better for long term investment, a 1 or 2 bedroom flat about 5-10km out of the CBD or a 3 or 4 bedroom house 30+ km out of the CBD. Both are around the same price range and yield is also about the same. Capital growth seems to be similar for both options. Just after opinions of which you would choose and why/why not?


    Profile photo of minglingmingling
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 39


    according to my recent trip to a couple of investment company, they will recommend the unit at 5-10km of CBD instead of house at 30+ km out of CBD.  From their experience, the capital growth is more for unit at 5-10km of CBD. 
    they are trying to convince us to invest these sort of property too.

    I think this is a good article to read.

    cheers !

    Profile photo of JONCHUJONCHU
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 112

    Hi Zayne,

    Over the long term (last 30 years), properties have performed in most major capital cities as per below:


             8-10% Units

             10-12% Houses


    Yes, a house will hopefully have more capital appreciation due to the land content, however a unit will be less expensive to hold. So you should consider in your purchase decision, cost vs capital gain.

    I am a bit of a Bernard Salt fan (the demographic guru), he makes a very interesting point in his last article on the API magazine. He talks about Gen Y and the new trends in living, etc, the point he makes is that in the future houses in suburbia may not be so appealing due to:


             More single people will be the predominant household type.

             Gen Y vs Baby Boomers (city living vs Suburbia)

             Maintenance issues, like mowing the lawns, etc, etc.


    There will always be demand for suburbia, however “For The Times They Are A Changing” (Bob Dylan)


    Happy investing


    Profile photo of Nigel KibelNigel Kibel
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,425

    Without a doubt you are better to look at an apartment or unit close to the city. Currently 25% of households have only one person. It is predicted that that will increase to 35% over the next 10 years. Also consider that according to Melbourne 2030 the population will inctrease by at least another 1 million people. In the future if not know people today are looking far more at lifestyle than anything else. In my vierw outer suburbs will only get less popular. Most rental gain is in the city and inner city areas. This is a trend that will continue.

    Nigel Kibel | Property Know How
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    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 247

    you will need to move quickly if you want to retain the option to buy something close in (assuming the price range you infer is your limit).  We recently completed a purchase in Thornbury and the rate of movement we saw in 3 months of searching was alarming.  We have some places in outer Melbourne also and they continue to grow steadily but nothing spectacular,  with the exception of Frankston which seems to be quite good (for us at least, I hear variable reports/experiences in the area).  With all the pressures/trends people describe above and gross population trends in Melbourne , the inner ring would have to be favoured….but its only my opinion.

    Profile photo of danielleedaniellee
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 197

    Hi, Zayne

    Regardless of an inner suburb apartment or outer suburb house, you should really be consider the following

    Overall economy
    Your preferred target market  – Retirees, DINKS, Singles, Young families, Maturing families
    Your investment goals – Capital / Cashflow / Mixed
    Amenities – Shops, Schools, Transportation, Parks, etc
    Plus many more macro and micro factor..

    Both apartments and houses can help you to achieve your personal goals. Now, what are your reasons for investing? Answer them and you will have your answer to this question that you have posted.

    All the best.

    Daniel Lee  

    Profile photo of lopetha

    Thanks for all the input guys.


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