All Topics / Legal & Accounting / Selling Privately

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  • Profile photo of crazyk78

    Can anyone advise what steps are needed to sell a property privately without agents?

    I'm in Melbourne Victoria.


    Profile photo of LalibellaLalibella
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 116

    I highly recommend "Real Estate without agents" by  Terry Ryder. 2004   ISBN0 9586517 5 2. A great read unless your a real estate agent. Its also referenced so it doesn't rely on opinion or subjective bias. Good luck.

    Profile photo of minglingmingling
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 39

    just curious why sell now ? Isn't Mel market is on the rise ? we want to go in to buy more instead. cheers !

    Profile photo of crazyk78

    I'm just looking at different strategies.

    Like most people, I hate giving away money to people for no reason, like mortgage insurance, agents fees ect even though sometimes an agent may be useful, in times like this where property is somewhat scarce if you market your property like they do what's the difference? Buyers will come.

    It will probably take me a while to get my head around so I thought I would start investigating early.

    Any other comments would be much appreciated.


    Profile photo of SleekSleek
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 2

    Im in the process of selling my house and all it is, is a few forms (3)
    better than paying 3-4% of the sale price to the real estate agent. Go Speak to your solicitor/Settlement agent and they should be able to give you all the forms you need.
    Mine were helpful enough to guide me through filling them out (Im in WA)


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