All Topics / Help Needed! / Wanted – good developer in SE QLD I can buy house and land package from.

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  • Profile photo of jutaylor

    I initially bought a place in Ipswich with ParkTrent (not a horrible experience but not great either (feel free to request further info.))  Then I bought in Mango Hill using a buyers agent called Property Pursuit (very good I thought – Liz was excellent)

    Now I'm looking to deal direct with someone who can give help me with a house and land package.
    Anyone had any good experiences with anyone up there? (please don't respond if you work for them!!!)

    I've got Residex for the area and I'm keen on good rental yields so like the look of places like maybe Curra, Arundel, Bellmere.  Love the look of the Ningi area but the rents don't seem as good. (Think I've been spoilt as in Northlakes I get $420 for a $405k house)
    I don't suppose I'm a novice but certainly not 'streetwise!'

    Any responses would be much appreciated and let me know if I can share any more of my experiences with you.

    Thanks for taking the time to read.


    PS – also got another post requesting information about buying in the UK too (as I'm from over there!)

    Profile photo of keen askeen as
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 13

    Villa World have an Estate Called "Hastings" at kallangur. I sold them in their pre release stages about 4 months ago. They are around the $350K mark and i believe there are only about 7 left now. Villa World do heaps of development in SEQ. jump onto their website,

    Profile photo of f1nicogregf1nicogreg
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 1

    I'll take you up on the Park Trent story, just looked at the Ningi development and Apartments being offered by them in Melbourne. Ningi offering guaranteed 4.5% rental return for first 2 years, (380p/w) which s not great but will keep the investor out of trouble if thinks don't take. They obviously need to make their money from somewhere though.
    Having a look on other realestate agents are selling these house and land packages for a similar price (not sure of the rental return guarantees if any)which is encouraging. There is obviously a good profit between development price and Part Trent on sell price
    Have also heard about John Cross and court proceedings so a little sceptical at the moment.
    Looking forward to your tales



    Profile photo of Alistair PerryAlistair Perry
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 891

    Hi Julian,

    I can put you in contact with a developer in Curra if you are interested. His development is just about to have titles released so your timing is pretty good. He is also a long time member of this forum if this means anything.


    Profile photo of dr housedr house
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 281

    I may look at selling a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home in Canungra, which has had excellent growth and never any tenant vacancies.
    Current rental return $320, but that is a little low (should be around $350).
    Please contact me if interested.

    Profile photo of Charlie MFSCharlie MFS
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 32


    I am in process of working with a developer in Bundamba.  There are about 26 blocks left and the sized ranges from 605sm to 1200sqm.  Prices from $ 318 000 to $384 000.

    Rents expected between $320 – $360 p/w

    If you would like to know more send me an email and I will be happy to answer your questions.


    Profile photo of bardon


    I am juggling with a few H&L contracts in Bellmere and Ningi right now.   Price range between 340k 600m2 4/2/2 320pw in good part of  leafy Bellmere and a 970m2 4/2/2 330pw waterside at Ningi.  Cant personally vouch for the builder but done the usual dd and checked out other houses etc, his office is close by and he needs return business..  Best I could  get was a 210 day building duration and a promise to finish a lot earlier so will find out shortly.

    Developer at Ningi read the courier mail report on Wednesday that house prices will incresae 40% in next four years and tried to jack up the land price on my deal land component by 15k as I hadn't signed the contract it didn't happen though.  There is a big supply problem in SEQ coming with a shortage of new land forecasted due to da time frames etc.  My contact buys land of off developers and has told me in the last 6 months he has seen it change where there is now no negotiation on price and terms from developers he has a big LOC and has to commit on land unconditionally if he wants it.

    The Caboolture bribie island road has been approved for a major upgrade and lane duplication, rumour is that AMP have bought the marina at Ningi wtch this space.  With respect to rents they are low in Ningi but expected to increse in line with Bribie.

    Cheapest H&L pacakges I have seen that are in the Residex top ranking areas are Morayfield and Forest Lake.  Seen some nice pacakages at Waterford very good builder but not on residex and small blocks.

    Caboolture is promising but for some strange reason isn't on Residex.

    Profile photo of bardon
    Profile photo of jutaylor

    That would be great actually. What exactly is the difference between a developer and a building company? Is the developer the 'marketeer' of the house/land stuff whereas the builder does the construction? Be good to get some more information on this. My email address us

    APerry wrote:
    Hi Julian,

    I can put you in contact with a developer in Curra if you are interested. His development is just about to have titles released so your timing is pretty good. He is also a long time member of this forum if this means anything.


    Profile photo of jutaylor

    I didn't mention I'm a libran and hate making decisions doh! There's a lot of good information here –  thanks everyone for responding. I've been reading other topics and am now wondering if I should buy 2 houses for 400k (200K each) or get one new one (house and land) for 400k, avoid the stamp duty and get good depreciation….. That's what I initially thought anyway.

    BARDON – when you say juggling a few h&L contracts, does that mean you are buying them yourself? Also when you say 970m2 4/2/2 330pw waterside at Ningi does this mean a 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, on waterside and you'd get $330 per week? What would that be bought for (roughly – or is it rude to ask?) That package sounds nice as there appears to be a lot of stuff going on up there.

    Also – has anyone had any experience with WACAL? I have spoken with them a few times and Shane Taylor seems very helpful and a straight shooter…..

    Profile photo of bardon
    jutaylor wrote:

    BARDON – when you say juggling a few h&L contracts, does that mean you are buying them yourself? Also when you say 970m2 4/2/2 330pw waterside at Ningi does this mean a 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, on waterside and you'd get $330 per week? What would that be bought for (roughly – or is it rude to ask?) That package sounds nice as there appears to be a lot of stuff going on up there.

    Yes I am buying myself, yes to Ningi comment, price is less than 400k, yes there is a lot going on in Ningi and it is overflowing out of Bribie where there is also a lot going on and much higher house prices.  With avoiding stamp duty on a H& L package it tends to even out as you loose 6 months rent between land settlement and first rent after build.

    Profile photo of keokeo
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 4

    Hi Julian,

    We are currently looking at using a Buyer's Agent to purchase a property in Brisbane. We are considering Property Pursuit and Liz Wilcox, can you provide any further feedback on your experiences with this company?

    Also, have you heard of Metropole Buyers Agency? have you had any experiences with them?

    What about other buyers agents?

    many thanks,


    Profile photo of Sailesh CSailesh C
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 62

    Why not consider buying land and engaging a builder to build a house for you. This way you cut out the middle man and keep the profits to yourself.

    Here is an example of land we recommended land in Carseldine…5 blocks where just purchased last week and a batch of 8 where purchased late last year. (15km north of Brisbane CBD) the numbers are as follows:

    Land price:                 $250 000 (average cost)
    Construction cost:    $190 000 (turn key 4 bed, dlug,2 living areas, 2 outdoor living areas,ensuite, dishwasher a/c)
    Other costs:               $  20 000 (interest, stamp duty etc)
    Total cost:                  $460 000

    Completed value:     $530 000 ( based on recent resales and current listings of smaller properties in the area)

    Equity:                         $ 70 000

    Rent was initially estimated at $450 per week however recent letting at $480 per week may set a new bench mark for the area.

    Profile photo of jutaylor

    Hi Keo, I have used property pursuit again since my last post. I toyed with the idea of buying another new home but figured I'd buy an established home near the city so I use Liz to purchase a property in Geebung. Second time around – just as good  (although I kind of new what to expect!) It was a tough decision finding a buyers agent but all I can say about property pursuit is that they were extremely professional. Cost wise, I liked their structure (a fixed cost as opposed to a % of the final purchase price.) Meghan was also available to give information (the owner.) Liz Wilcox was straight forward to deal with, always gave me more information than I needed, called me with any news (or no news,) always challenged my ideas to make sure they were in my best interest. She also helped me with solicitors and any other service I needed for the properties.

    My feeling is that they may be all of a muchness but I really can't fault LIz and Property Pursuit. Good luck on your journey and feel free to ask more information.


    We are currently looking at using a Buyer's Agent to purchase a property in Brisbane. We are considering Property Pursuit and Liz Wilcox, can you provide any further feedback on your experiences with this company?

    Also, have you heard of Metropole Buyers Agency? have you had any experiences with them?

    What about other buyers agents?

    many thanks,



    Profile photo of jutaylor

    Thanks for this. I ended up buying a house in Geebung through Property Pursuit again.

    I'll keep your details though for any future thoughts.


    Why not consider buying land and engaging a builder to build a house for you. This way you cut out the middle man and keep the profits to yourself.

    Here is an example of land we recommended land in Carseldine…5 blocks where just purchased last week and a batch of 8 where purchased late last year. (15km north of Brisbane CBD) the numbers are as follows:

    Land price:                 $250 000 (average cost)
    Construction cost:    $190 000 (turn key 4 bed, dlug,2 living areas, 2 outdoor living areas,ensuite, dishwasher a/c)
    Other costs:               $  20 000 (interest, stamp duty etc)
    Total cost:                  $460 000

    Completed value:     $530 000 ( based on recent resales and current listings of smaller properties in the area)

    Equity:                         $ 70 000

    Rent was initially estimated at $450 per week however recent letting at $480 per week may set a new bench mark for the area.


    Profile photo of Hot Property Specialists Buyers AgencyHot Property Specialists Buyers Agency
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    Hi, Liz Wilcox here

    just wanted to let everyone know that I am not longer with the other company, as about 12 months ago I started my own business which is Hot Property Specialists Buyers Agency in Brisbane. Please check out our website as there is heaps of free info for you when you register for our hints and tips.

    Happy property investing

    Profile photo of QGMQGM
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 25
    dr house wrote:
    I may look at selling a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home in Canungra, which has had excellent growth and never any tenant vacancies.
    Current rental return $320, but that is a little low (should be around $350).
    Please contact me if interested.

    Hi drhouse  I could be interested – whats the best way to contact you

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