All Topics / Opinionated! / E-nuff Negativity!

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  • Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    Collie WA topic locked………….okayyyyyyyy ??
    Anway, i’m of the opinion this a place to learn, if others bigger and better can help or advise, so be it.

    check out the total number of people on this site, it’s not like all of australia’s on here.. i applaud those that offer helpfull advice, constructive criticism and even a joke or two… love the site, love the info gained within

    Goodnight for now [:D

    “The man that thinks at 5o as he did when he was 20 has wasted 30 years of his life”

    Profile photo of richmond


    I locked the Collie thread because it was going nowhere, with gratuitous slagging off of people coming into it, fair enough?


    Profile photo of MiloMiloMiloMilo
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 22

    My dear friends….

    It’s not negativity. It’s reality. Don’t fool yourselves with theories about an eternal property boom.
    This cannot go on! What on Earth justifies this price boom that we have experienced in last 5 years?
    “Luckily” shares have dropped in their popularity, interest rates have dropped, world’s economy is pretty wobbly, wars around the world have created so many refugees flooding Australia in search for better life (therefore you have demand for rental properties) ….

    Everybody is trying to jump onto this property boom wagon in a hope to make huge profits. It’s become fashionable to own several properties.
    It seems to be a good vehicle in driving some peoples egos through the roof. They like to portray themselves as being smart when they make more money in property than a solicitor or doctor can in his job …

    Just wait until all those solicitors and doctors start buying those egoist’s properties (they have thier vulture funds, don’t you worry) !!!

    Even people that can’t add together two double digit numbers are walking into banks, brokerages(lucky brokers!), realestate agencies(lucky agents!) and asking for money to borrow (lots!) and properties to purchase.
    They have no idea how the realestate market works at all. They treat it like a casino (remember, Australia is known as a gambling nation). Those sorts of people are driving the prices up.

    Don’t be fooled by thinking that only those gamblers will loose if a bust happens. EVERYBODY is in the same boat.

    Believe me, property price bust is not in my interest, because I own several properties myself. Since I’ve purchased most of them more than five years ago, imagine how much in CGT would I have to pay if I wanted to sell any of them (lucky ATO!). Yeah, you say: “don’t sell”.
    Maybe I want to move into another property (growing family), what can I buy and for how much?
    Thinking like this, maybe a property bust WOULD help me. Weird.

    Has anybody experienced a wage increase in same percentage as property price rise? (not even remotely, I bet you – you’re just LUCKY to have a job these days). Ah, I forgot. You can live of your properties! TRY!

    Maybe I have forgotten to mention something (you have already heard all this many times before, anyway). I’ll be back. Remember the doctors and solicitors (I am neither, unfortunately).They always were and always will be healthy, wealthy and wise.

    PLAY ON!
    GOOD LUCK! (we need it)


    P.S. I know you’re all going to slam me for this, but let it be.

    Profile photo of richmond


    As Steve said at the top, constructive criticism is a good thing… malicious criticism is not. Also, I’m quite certain that the majority of people here aren’t fools who think the real estate boom is a never-ending phenomenon. Please give us more credit than that.

    There’s been a lot more postings of the malicious type creeping into posts over the past few weeks as opposed to the tone of posts several months ago, which in turn drags down the quality of information on the boards to the point where a lot of the regulars simply don’t post much anymore, which is a real shame because I learned quite a lot off them, as other people could too.

    I’d like to see more of the constructive, encouraging posts… no-one said property investing was easy to do, in fact Steve has made it pretty clear that it’s bloody hard if you read his book and let it all sink in, just as those of us who are buying know all too well. I don’t see the point of posting the “it’s all too hard” type messages though. Is the glass half full or half empty?

    Yes, there are many who seek easy answers and don’t do their homework, just as there are in every investment arena… people who think they’re going to make their life’s fortune in 5 minutes are sadly mistaken, and to be honest, I don’t think there’s too many of those types that frequent the boards… Those people might be in a bit of trouble down the track, I guess time will tell. In the mean time, I’d just ask people to make their criticisms constructive, don’t be mean to people who might not know as much as you do (or think you do) and re-establish this place as a great website to visit.


    Profile photo of Johnny1

    I AGREE – KEEP THIS SITE GOING IN A POSITIVE DIRECTION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


    Profile photo of Johnny1

    but also have a “black book” site where you can dob in the real estate agent who has shafted you or the property manager who has let your investments run to rack and ruin. It keeps them on their toes knowing that their name is being splashed all over a “property” website. It also serves to warn the “newbie” investor of who to look out for. It’s almost a WIN WIN situation for everyone. The shonky real estate agent can then look forward to improving his business, that for so long he had thought was going along quite well under his “professional” banner, whilst the “newbie” has the pleasure of knowing who the shonks are, before they actually become a victum themselves. THAT SOUNDS POSITIVE TO ME

    Profile photo of aj_2aj_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 86

    I agree about the black book site another suggestion is a link to
    it seems that companies are really watching this site and taking note

    pass it forward

    Profile photo of crashycrashy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 736

    sadly it seems some people just aren’t getting the message……..

    Profile photo of wilandelwilandel
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 761


    I am not getting into the “shares” debate, but don’t take the negative comments too personally – not easy though.[:I]

    Take a deep breath, “take in” what has been said, and move on. Then go and try to answer some posts to help someone who can benefit from your advice, even though you are probably feeling a bit like someone else on this forum (me) and wonder why I’d bother.

    Live by your conscience, if you can do that, you are doing OK, and that’s all that matters![8D]


    Profile photo of Johnny1

    Thanks HOUSESITTER [:)

    That’s a really good site for venting your spleen on [}:)

    I can now keep my dirty linen (don’t want to keep bringing the subject up BUT has anyone ever heard of Whittles Strata “Managers” [}:)

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