All Topics / Value Adding / Our first reno project

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  • Profile photo of millionsmillions
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 355

    Very true.  Whenever my hubby comes home with one of these above stories or injuries I start looking at more real estate so he can retire earlier!  Make sure you have adequate injury and life insurance also.  Linda

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Sunday 15th July
    Starting work tomorrow (Monday) morning, on the garden only for now. Tools loaded, trailer ready.


    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Mon 16th July
    -Got started today!
    -took out most of the plants in the front yard, some big ones needing a chainsaw are still standing.
    -went to tip to drop a trailer load, but they closed at 4pm, and I was 40min late. Bummer.
    So first job tomorrow is back to the tip. Then more ripping out plants, mulching etc.

    BTW, I hate agapanthus.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Tues 17th July
    Today I got rained upon. It was wet.
    -also unloaded yesterdays trailer load of garden waste at the tip
    -did a second trailer load to the tip as well.
    -took my chainsaw to get serviced
    -got some more prices on carpet, floating floor, and carport
    -booked a renderer to do a quote tomorrow.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Wed 18th July
    Got scared off by the rain today.
    Spent most of the day working on a business plan.
    -went to a nursery and priced some plants.
    -finalised (in my head at least) the plan for front garden
    -got a quote from a renderer to do the front of the house for just over $600. I had estimated $910, so bargain!!

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Thurs 19th July
    -trimmed hedge beside driveway
    -leveled out soil in front garden
    -dug out lemon tree and put in a pot for the owner to take (a gift from her grandma)
    -cut off stump of the cypress beside the driveway

    Will try to get a photo tomorrow.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Fri 20th July
    -Dug out and separated heaps of flax plants from our PPOR and existing IP. We divided the plants into about 3rds, put 1 section back in the ground, and took the rest for the new garden. You can hardly tell where we took the plants out of.
    -Put the "free" plants in at the Reno garden.
    -Went shopping for a few extra plants as well. Got heaps from Bunnings. Total $245

    Sat 21st July
    Working bee. Business Partner came and brought his parents for good measure. My wife and kids made an appearance and brought lunch. Got heaps done.
    -took out big conifers near front corner of house, along side of back deck, and took the tops off the ones next to the BBQ in back yard.
    -planted the rest of the plants from Bunnings
    -put sleepers around the garden edge
    -ordered mulch for Sunday
    -took another trailer load to tip
    -transplanted 2 tree ferns from front to back
    -installed new mailbox

    Have put some more photos here.
    Sorry I still can't get them to work in this post.
    Tomorrow should have some virtually finished shots of the front garden.

    Profile photo of ElseElse
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 25

    Sounds like you are steaming ahead.  Keep up the posts and pictures.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Sun 22nd July
    Today I did nothing except take some photos.
    But business parter got all the mulch spread, and loaded more rubbish on trailer.
    Check out the photos at the link in previous post.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Some stats that may be of interest.
    After 1 week of reno activity:
    Total man hours= 70
    Expenses to date:
    Tip fees – $90
    Letter box & numbers- $108.28
    Chainsaw oil -$20
    Plants – $245.75
    Sleepers – $293.70
    Mulch – $388
    Total Expenses =$1145.73
    Budgeted Expenses = $1100.00
    Other Expenses that I can't calculate accurately: petrol, nails & screws that I already had, bag of cement I already had, chainsaw fuel and running costs. Also remember that the majority of plants were free as we just separated them from our own garden.

    Profile photo of dreamingdreaming
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 42

    Great thread, it's good to read all the valuable advise.
    Before you sell the house you should read Michael Yardney's book, Grow a Multi-Million Dollar Property Portfolio.
    It has completely changed my views on selling property. I now think why sell a property when you can access the equity you have built up in the property for your next project. And the beautiful thing is your equity continues to grow on your full holdings not just your realized gains.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Mon 23rd July
    -removed the rest of the green waste from backyard
    -got some pebbles and put them in a few places in front garden (get a photo tomorrow)

    Believe it or not, those couple of things took all day.

    Hi a free man, thanks for ideas.
    I have not read Michael Yardney's book, but I do know that in my/our current situation it would be difficult to get another loan for the next property while we still hold this one. Serviceability you see. Equity growth is not really seen as income until you realize it.
    I am sure that Yardney know's lots of tricks that I am yet to learn, and I will try to read his book soon, but for this deal I think we will stick with our original game plan.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Teus 24th July
    -completed front garden – numbers on mailbox, stepping stones in. More photos uploaded tonight.
    -sprayed weeds in back yard
    -started rendering BBQ out back.

    Profile photo of SaimaQSaimaQ
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 6

    Hi Jase & Flic,

    I love reading this thread as i am currently renovating my IP as well which is nearly done to be leased out,  I found out that tradingpost & ebay is great when you are looking for building materials and plants etc. We have saved a lot of money by making some purchases via these resources, we bought a near new kitchen for $3000 with glass splashback and granite tops.
    And i will agree with a free man here to use the equity for your next IP, but wish u all the best with your sale.

    Keep up this great thread.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Wed 25th July
    -more rendering of BBQ
    -re-located clothesline
    -sanded back timber off picnic table ready for re-sealing
    -met with a draftsman to draw plans for carport (I know this has happened earlier, but the first couple of guys were to much $)

    So far I have had some good feedback from the current owner and the neibours. The owner said it is looking so much better that she doesn't want to leave anymore. A few of the neibours have made positive comments also, and all are looking forward to seeing the end result.
    I have to say that I am also looking forward to seeing the end result, because it will mean that the very large volume of work that is presently in front of me, will then be behind me.

    Profile photo of Tatts_83Tatts_83
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 27

    Looks awesome. photo's are looking great.
    Good luck with the rest of the reno's and keep up the great thread
    Tatts :-)

    Profile photo of mum2fivemum2five
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 69

    Looking good!

    Bit late now, but you may have been able to sell or give away some of the plants you took out and let others do the work digging them up for you! An add in the freebies section of a local paper stating free mature plants buyer/taker to remove, could have saved alot of back breaking work and possibly made a little $$$

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Thur 26th July
    -finished rendering BBQ
    -put seats and table top onto picnic table

    Hi mum2five
    I thought of selling the plants – after I had taken them all to the tip.
    I probly would not have done it this time though as the house is still not ours. Settlement is next Wed 1st Aug. The owner is still living there also, and although she is ok with me working on the gardens, I would not want to invite the whole town to come and stomp all over her yard.
    If it was my house already, then probly I would. Maybe next time.

    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 44

    Enjoying reading this Topic very much.Might be a bit late now but I read back a few posts that you were putting in black windows. Few friends of mine have put in black windows. Looks good on the outside. Found it was not so practical on the inside. Shows up dust etc and hard to match decor, especially if you are using neutral tones. Would be great if they made them two tone.Tara.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Fri 27th July
    -spent most of the day shopping for prices and materials. Found a security screen door for $20!! Bargain. Needs a handle still, but cheap as. Only one tiny scratch on it. And just the right colour and size as well.
    -The major acheivement of the day was – wait for it – we received and signed the loan documents!!!!! At last. The lender has certainly not left us much time, so it was quite hectic trying to get 4 people (Me+ wife+buisness partner+wife) all into the solicitors office to get the doc's signed and witnessed. We will now take the doc's and hand deliver them on Monday to make sure they get there in time for settlement on Wednesday. Never a dull moment hey?

    Hi Tara30
    I am not actually changing the windows. Just painting the aluminium ones that are there. So I can make them whichever 2 tones I like!! Thanks for your thoughts. If I was replacing the windows I would probly not have thought of that issue.

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