All Topics / Value Adding / Capricorn

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  • Profile photo of waynel2waynel2
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 311

    living 10mins south of yanchep – the only thing that worries me up there is the “rental returns” on property in the area…

    Because you HAVE to build a house in Capricorn Village your options at the end are to sell, or rent. If you are going to sell then you should be aware of the slow down in new house and land packages in the northern corridor – especially in brighton, somerly, jindalee areas – this may have an impact on your returns.

    If you are going to rent – then you will most likley have quite a large shortfall to cover!

    saying that thhough – it is a beautiful area:)

    Wayne Leech – Accommodation in Western Australia.
    List your holiday home for FREE!

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    there are a couple of other options, the biggest being live in, which is what i suspect most buyers intend to do after talking to the other buyers at the land sale. the other is beach house, the other could be a furnished let.

    but yes the rental returns wil be interesting to see…

    Profile photo of angiep

    Thanks for your feedback AUSPROP & wayne2

    Looked further into prices for blocks around the Perth metro areas and based on the result I think you are correct on the value for money when buying a block in this new development.

    After working out the cost of building a 2 story cottage house on this small block I think I will focus on getting a bigger block as there are more cost efficient options available to me.

    The intent will be to sit on it for a couple of years and rent it out and then sell when the area has developed. That would give us our own house which we will be living in and also the investment property.


    Profile photo of angiep

    Finely ended up getting another block in Harford Grove today. Its 578m2 so it will be easy to pick a house to fit on the block.

    Interesting to watch how the prices have increased since the start of this development. The value have gone up by an average of approx $10000 per month.


    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    the stupid thing is.. no gas supply up there. alinta apparantly wont lay the pipes because there is no exisiting demand. so how abouts… we all build 30,000 homes and install fully electric appliances, THEN lay some gas pipes – that’s make sense!!

    Profile photo of angiep

    Hi Ausprop
    Last year I asked the developer about gas supply to the district and was told it would be installed in conjunction with the construction of Marmion Ave.

    As Marmion Ave has been delayed by 6 month once again I wonder what the real truth is about gas supply to Yanchep


    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    had a call from my builder – despite the blocks being titled and settled it seems there is no power supply up there yet. the expense of hiring a generator during construction will be about $3k. anyone else stumbled upon this one yet?

    and what is the deal with this marmion ave… is it being worked on or is it just pencilled in? not another perth-bunbury highway debacle i hope!

    Profile photo of angiep

    We are currently building in Harford Grove stage 1 and the power in our area is connected. What area are you building in?

    The second block we bought is in stage 5 Harford Grove and there is no power connected there yet and those titles are released this week we were told by the developer.

    Apparently there are some late discussions between the land owners and the Shire which is delaying the Marmion Ave project. Wonder if money greed plays a factor here

    The below web site is a good place to look if you want to know what’s happing in the Yanchep area

    Profile photo of angiep

    Would anyone know what going on with the Marmion Ave project. Seem to be very little information on hand on the progress

    Profile photo of angiep

    We are in the progress to have the landscaping done at the front of our house in Harford Grove as is part of the package when buying the block. Has anyone come across having to pay approx $300 to the bobcat operator to level and remove sand in preparation for landscaping?


    I would have thought this part would be included in the landscape package.




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