All Topics / General Property / Cashflow+ property for sale!!

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  • Profile photo of r_windows

    No advertising please.


    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    Another paid Ad is trust.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of r_windows
    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    Might want to check the forum rules before placing blatent advertising.

    The forum is here for the sharing of information and to help others not to merely flaunt services or product.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of bennidobennido
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 195

    The problem with these sort of deals is that after the lease back period, the actual market rent is way lower than $535 pw.

    I have a number of friends who love display home deals, but its pretty much betting that they can sell it after the leaseback is up and make some capital gains. Or at least not to lose any money. This way, the rental income is their profit and any capital gain is a bonus.

    Proceed at your own risk !

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