All Topics / Help Needed! / Wanted: Proforma Commercial Lease

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  • Profile photo of paul4471

    Wondering if someone out there could do me a big favour. My FT is leasing a building to my business and I would like to dot the i’s and cross the t’s and set up a commercial lease betwen the two.
    I’ve not done one before and so was wondering if anyone has a simple electronic proforma that you could e-mail me. If so PM me and I’ll give you my e-mail address.
    Thanks so much – Paul

    Profile photo of raddlesraddles
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 187

    HI there – as every state is different – has different property laws – there is no proforma commercial lease which can be used across Australia.
    Each state normally has a real estate institute which draws up a commercial lease for use by real estate agents.
    Perhaps you can search your local real estate institute and see if they have a proforma available for purchase.
    If in doubt – have a solicitor draw up a commercial lease for you. Most solicitors will have relevant precedents and can adapt them to your particular situation. It is in your interest to get professional advice before jumping in as there are all sorts of issues you may need to consider including insurance, recovery of outgoings, GST impacting – and if you get it wrong – you can expect to pay big money to fix the problems.

    Profile photo of paul4471

    Thanks Raddles, I’ll check out the WA REI. I’m not worried or interested in spending money on a solicitor as it is an agreement between two 100% owned entities and so there won’t be any animosity or arguments. But I do like ot keep things “proper” in the case of an audit or something similar. If anyone has a WA proforma it would be great. Thanks.

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