All Topics / General Property / YOUNG PROPERTY INVESTORS club??

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  • Profile photo of PsychiatristPsychiatrist
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 70

    I am in my early 20’s and have one house with another on the way before december.

    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,248

    I am also apart of a new online webucation site which has the front page up and the content going in over the next 4 weeks go check it out,


    Profile photo of timeless_soultimeless_soul
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 2

    Hey there 19 years old from Canberra. You know that little town that we call our capitial? ;) im doing a business administration degree at the university or canberra, and looking forward to runnign my own business with a few friends when this is all over, but am really keen on anyone from the canberra region that i can talk to about all of this stuff and get started.

    Email me on and put in the subject, timeless investing group.

    looking foward to hearing your responses.


    “Learn From The Past. Live In The Present. Look To The Future”

    Profile photo of DraconisVDraconisV
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 319

    Hey, i’m 17 and I live in sydney. I am very interested in investment property. I’d like to join your little group

    Profile photo of Zorge

    It was a good meeting.
    LAst sunday!!!

    Profile photo of piratepirate
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 32

    so …. where to from here ?

    Profile photo of debarondebaron
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 15

    interested!.. in everything investment. just turn 22. got my first job lotsa bills to pay. have been interested in a variety of investement since 19 however no ‘mentor’ or similar interest friends to talk to. get this set up!
    i would like to help but im basically a newbie in these areas.
    add me :

    Profile photo of usi

    Hi Guys,

    I’m 22 and have been running a property investing company for the past three years and own approximately 20 positive cash flow deals.

    I know many young people who are very interested in property investing but are unsure or need some guidence before they are willing to take that step.

    As a result, I’m setting up an 18-30 years Property Mentor Program early next year, to get their foot in the door.

    I would love to hear from anyone who would be interested or who simply want to hear how I’ve come this far and how you can too. I live on the NSW Central Coast, drop me a line if you live in this vicinity or Sydney.

    I’m a firm believer you’re never to young to do anything, particularly investing.


    Profile photo of Hoop1982Hoop1982
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 10

    it would be a great idea of a young investors club, i just moved to brisbane from melb, am 24 and keen to get down and dirty as far as investing goes!! im in[jerry]

    Profile photo of Zorge

    HOW you DID it????????

    Of course you hade some cash on hands for a first deposit at leas!!!

    I want to do the samwe!!!!!!!!!

    Write me please!! i am already 23

    Profile photo of alottialotti
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 64

    Hi Crystal (again)[biggrin]

    I’d like some details on your investment club, I think I can learn lots from you!

    As you know I’m in Brissie, but I visit Newcastle often as my sister lives there.

    Please let me know when you have the set up details organised.


    Profile photo of AnaAna
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 79


    Can people from Melbourne join?

    Kind Regards,


    Profile photo of tprowentprowen
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1

    Is this happening in Melbourne? 21 and looking for my first property.

    Profile photo of usi

    Hi guys,

    I’m located in NSW and at the moment am concentrating my efforts here. I will have a website up and running shortly though and will let you know when this eventuates.

    There may be formation of some type on Investing group being set up in your state though…

    Try getting hold of member: Sarah B.

    I think she could be another person coordinating something in your area.


    Profile photo of zerotaxforeverzerotaxforever
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 11

    The first Perth meeting will be held on Wed 4th oct 7pm at the Meerilinga child health centre, 106 Amazon Drv, Beechboro. C u there or email on

    Profile photo of 888Abundance888Abundance
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 60

    Hi All

    A number of you have enquiries from different parts of the country.

    I’ve PM’d some of you. Others I’ve yet to respond to.

    I’ve just come back from Brisbane where the Young@Heart PI Community – SE Qld met for the 2nd time. A number of the other states are also meeting or preparing to meet now.

    To bring you all up to speed rather than PM-ing you individually, I’ll provide a new post shortly with each of the contacts in each state.


    Author of “Property Millionaire: The Guidebook to Having Great Australian Dreams”
    Creator of Property Millionaire – The Boardgame
    Founder of The Young@Heart PI Community

    Profile photo of rar_piperrar_piper
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 11

    G’day, I’m 22 and from the mornington Peninsular of Victoria. I’m very interested in a “club”.
    What I am interested in knowing is if there are people (from the peninsular area) who are interested perhaps a bit of networking? So not a club per-say but just people who are interested in property investing or investing in general, who want to get together and share ideas, make some connections, and some friends along the way. (Age is not important!)
    Interested?? Well, drop me an e-mail on or you can add me on MSN Messenger.

    Have fun everyone!!

    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 6


    I’m also young and interested in property investing. Has anyone formed a club of such for Sydney???


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