All Topics / Finance / When can I refinance?

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  • Profile photo of MrVip

    I went for 100% finance on my home loan and it has now been 6 months since paying it off. I now owe $224,000 and have payed off close to 10K on it. My intrest rate is 8.25% and is far to high so I want to refinance with someone else. I got my property valued but it came in at only $220,000 seeing as there are no houses on the left side of my house as the estate hasnt been released there yet, but it will be within 2 months or so.
    Do you think there is anyone who will take me on? I really want to buy a investment property real soon.

    A guy on his horse rides into town on friday, three days later he leaves on friday, how can that be?

    Profile photo of paulmeese

    This is unfortunately one of the pit falls of borrowing 100%,you might need to hold on until the equity has a chance to grow as most lenders will look at a 90% refinance or possibly even a 95% if it is a single debt refinance.

    Paul Meese
    Onyx Finance
    0412 850 820

    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    Seems like you owe more than it is worth. That will make it impossible to refinance. You will have to wait for the market to pick up a bit and/or add value.

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    Profile photo of Josh-PrestigeloansJosh-Prestigeloans
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 62

    Watch out for Penalty costs for canceling the loan early…usually a percentage of the loan amount…. the biggest cost is usually within the first 12months…

    Joshua McEwen
    Finance Broker – WA

    Brokers Lic 1297
    Licensee Brett Christie

    Profile photo of THEHEATH

    Break costs are what you will need to consider. To get around the not having the full 10% for a 90% maybe you can take out a personal loan to make up the short fall. I took out a personal loan through HSBC to get me over the line for a 10% deposit and then took out a smart choice loan with wizard as it didn’t require you show a savings history (or where you got your deposit), I’m not sure if this is how most 90% loans work or not. If you have your 10% deposit and a strong history of repaying the loan I don’t see why another lender wouldn’t take you on.

    Profile photo of THEHEATH

    Of course you’ll be paying a higher interest rate on the personal loan so the aim of the game is to knock it over pretty quickly, which given you’ve able to pay off 10k off in 6 months I assume you’ll be able to knock it over pretty quickly :)

    Profile photo of MrVip

    Well, when I posted this topic nothing was happening next to me, today I seen heaps of workers here building the new park and the plumbers told me that the estate is now for sale, fingers crossed that the land sales fast!

    A guy on his horse rides into town on friday, three days later he leaves on friday, how can that be?

    Profile photo of corectbussinescorectbussines
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 3


    If you are new in the financial world, you can easily get lost with all the complicated terms inside the papers and contracts. That’s why you can chech the and deal more easy with them.

    Profile photo of elkamelkam
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 722

    Hello Mr Vip

    OK, I’ll take a crack at it. Was the horses name friday?

    [withstupid] and very [offtopic]


    Profile photo of paulmeese

    The horse is named Friday

    Paul Meese
    Onyx Finance
    0412 850 820

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