All Topics / Forum Frolic / Where in the world would you live
Where in the world would you live:
a) given your current financial/family situation;
b) if the sky was the limit?
I’m still thinking about my answer. Anyone else have thoughts on this.
I Buy Property
Hi Don,
I just couldn’t resist answering this one, as it’s something my wife and I discuss often!
I am from Brissie while she is from Eastern Canada, so the obvious answer to a) is Brisbane and Halifax.
The answer to b) is where it gets interesting… and I’ll let my lovely wife answer for herself if she so chooses. But for me:
– Brisbane
– Halifax
– Whistler (BC Canada), because I LOVE skiing and where better than the No. 1 Ski Resort in North America! I also LOVE hiking in the summer months, and Whistler is a wonderful location for this too!
– Kandersteg (Switzerland), because we spent 3 mths during the summer (as hiking guides) and 2 mths during the winter (as ski guides) there at an International Scout Centre – – and it is perhaps the most beautiful place on Earth!
– Hawaii – not sure which island, but what an amazingly beautiful and richly diverse place!
– Gros Morne Newfoundland (only during the summer!), because that area is just spectacular, with incredible views on some amazing hikes. A World Heritage Listing proves it!And I think that’s about it for the moment! But if I think of more I’ll let you know…
Having said all this – what is the advantage of owning over renting in these places? If you rent, you get to pick and choose the best place every time, rather than having to come back to the same place time after time. You are also not encumbered with the inevitable maintenance that ownership brings with it. (Of course I am ignoring the financial benefits of rental income and capital gains – simply talking as if the only reason for purchasing would be to enjoy the convenience).
Oasis Finance
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Achieve the Dream! now? I’m in exactly where I want to be for now.
Another 5 years? Still tossing up between Pittwater (far north Sydney) and Akaroa (just out of Christchurch NZ).
In a perfect world? I’d be in lush rainforest, a little elevated above a pristine surf beach with great diving and snorkelling, within an hour or two of a major city but with good privacy. The temperature would be between 22-30 degrees all year. Oh, and did I mention the 4500+ metre mountain range with great climbing and skiing less than an hour away (through the bush of course).
Now, if anyone finds that place, can you let me know? I’ll start planning the move immediately [biggrin]. New Zealand has places that come close on all but the temperatures, though…
100% of the shots I don’t make don’t go in – Wayne Gretzky
I would like to live in the world’s largest zoo.
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Lending Money Joint Ventures Subscription Five Star ChecklistI would be living in a beach house right on the high water mark, with just sand and coastal grasses around me. I would go to sleep with the doors open onto the sea and hear it pounding in all night. Don’t ask me why as I’m a total city girl and couldn’t stand the maintenance this would involve. Northern NSW beaches would probaly do it. Otherwise there is the cutest little place out the back of Wellington (thats the big city at the bottom of the North Island NZ isn’t it?). The road runs right on the sea with the houses on the other side and there are signs warning the traffic that waiters are crossing (there is a restaurant on one side that serves food to a patio overlooking the sea) the houses are just old shacks (still worth $1M but the new ones are replacing these unfortunately)
I wouldn’t rather live anywhere else except in my beutiful country Bulgaria.Really hope you know where is that?
Of course on acreage on the rural-urban fringe of (the motherland) Sydney Australia !
We’ve got 70 yrs on planet earth,Lets make the most of every day!
Luke Taylor | Hope Property Investing
Email MeProperty Support,Strategist and Buyers Agent
Hi All,
After spending much of our younger years in the “70s travelling, me with the RAAF 9 Years and my wife a Kiwi (social climber) England, Europe, Middle east, Russia, Scandinavia and Asia (we met in Malaysia) then a 2 year working holiday around Australia- this took 10 years, then 20 years raising 2 kids the last 15 of which has been in Auckland NZ and travelling much of beautiful NZ. We have never found a place where we would really like to settle. I’m from northern NSW Nambucca region and love that entire Northern coastline especially the beaches, our kids are in Melbourne and when we visit we think it’s a wonderful place (although we wouldn’t tell a Victorian that), we loved Sydney in our younger Years and Perth when we were in WA and the wines of S.Aust. Even the vast deserts of inland Aust which we crisscrossed, lived and worked in, has its own special beauty, and for those of you who spoke of SI NZ there’s nothing like the skiing and tramping there. We believe every place is what you make it.
So!!! In the words of Willie Nelson “I can’t wait to get on the road again” and fulfil our dream of becoming Geriactic Gypsies and the ‘Oldest Backpackers’ in the world. “There’s one heluva beautiful big world out there and we intend to see as much of it as we can!
Good Luck All
[thumbsupanim]hi all
I would own a beach property in vanuatu, a house in sydney,a house in manchester england, and a dirty great big motor home (on of those 41 seater coaches that are turned into a motorhome with the bottom removed and a ramp to house a lotus exige cup 240 to go up and down those winding coast roads).This both a dream and on its way to a reality.
The properties are the most important part and most is complete.
we (well I am) going to be part of that flowing grey power that floats the world and for me this is the way to go by have a property in different continents gives you the flexability to move from one country to another and very slowly as you absorb there culture.
I wanted the bus 4 x 4 but hard to find at the right price but in no hurry.
I like the question and as few people say its ok to invest but have an aim for what you are investing for I have a very clear aim and all my investing is the give a financial freedom ( which we are all doing) across a couple of continents that gives me less risk of currency adjustments as I use there money in there currency in there market.
Aust here, euro in england,rmb or hong kong dollar from those investments.
hope it come to be
time will tellhere to help
If you want to get involved in some of the projects I’m involved in email to ultraclean@hotmail.comPersonally, I’d like to be rich enough to be homeless.
Being able to move to where ever I wanted (in the world), when ever I wanted and not worrying about the need to pay for it. Sure, I’d get sick of it after a while, but it’s still nice to think about.
But being permanently on holiday would require a pretty high passive income. That’s the limitation.
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