All Topics / Help Needed! / How to maximise salvage costs b4 clearing land?

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  • Profile photo of mccoz

    I am developing some units on a block of land in SE suburbs of melbourne. Currently on the land is a 3 bed weatherboard in ordinary condition. Currently tenanted, but when i’m ready the whole land will be cleared to make way for development.
    Can anybody provide ideas how i may gain some revenue from the weatherboard? how do i find out whether it is moveable?? If not moveable, are there any businesses that may pay cash for the chattels/kitchen etc inside the house.

    Thks in advance.
    Mee Chee

    Profile photo of DazzlingDazzling
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,150

    G’day Mee Chee,

    As per your thread title, the easiest way to maximise your salvage costs is to simply pick up the phone and get quotes from say 3 or 4 local salvage companies who do this sort of work all the time, and then simply choose the highest quote.

    If on the other hand, you wish to minimise your costs, you may be able to get the company to take the house away and all the products for free. I’ve had two friends do this is in the past 12 months. They had to negotiate hard on this though….most companies want to charge you to take it away.

    Profile photo of foxyacfoxyac
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 17

    Hi Mee Chee,

    I agree with Dazzling there. Call a few house removal or salvage companies out of the yellow pages and ask them to have a look at the house and give a quote as to how much they would pay for it to take it away and clear the land for you. You could sell it whole or bit by bit. You could place ads in the trading post for say the kitchen, the bathroom items, the floorboards, etc (anything of value worth selling) and those who want to buy it can remove it themselves. You could even place an ad in the TP selling the whole house and those who are intereted have to take the house and clear the land. Whereabouts in SE are you building out of interest?

    Good Luck Andrea

    Profile photo of mccoz

    Thks for your replies.

    When doing my initial numbers, i hadn’t even considered salvage costs, so anything i can gain will further protect my profit position. That’s great.

    Andrea, i just bought signed contracts on a block of land in Ashwood. it’s an above average block for the area at 1200sqm, siiting on the edge of the ex commision area. plan is to build 3 x 3 bed units on there.

    Mee Chee

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