All Topics / Help Needed! / Urgent-I might have found an opportunity???
I have just found out that someone at work is trying to get rid of a 3 bedroom room brick house for removal.. Its in good nick, old inside but structurally good. Nothing that a doog makeover wont fix……
I could get it for free and perhaps not even pay removal costs.. . Problem is I dont have a block of land….What would it take to seize this opportunity to perhpaps get a +ve geared IP? Obviously it woudl be easy to buy the land but then the time neede for permits etc.. would take a long time I expect… anyone got any insights or experiences?[withstupid]Snowflake
how bigs your back yard[blink]
could stash it for while[biggrin]
did i help??no seriously good luck to you
still don’t know what i don’t know
Originally posted by as41:a 3 bedroom room brick house for removal.
A removable brick house ??????????
0409 882 958as41 Posted – 22/12/2005 : 13:55:58
I have just found out that someone at work is trying to get rid of a 3 bedroom room brick house for removal.. Its in good nick, old inside but structurally good. Nothing that a doog makeover wont fix……
I could get it for free and perhaps not even pay removal costs.. . Problem is I dont have a block of land….What would it take to seize this opportunity to perhpaps get a +ve geared IP? Obviously it woudl be easy to buy the land but then the time neede for permits etc.. would take a long time I expect… anyone got any insights or experiences?Snowflake
Well, you could see if the owner will give it to you for free for a time period (ie: gives you 1 month to remove it). You then chase up the local and close house recyclers and see if they are interested in buying the house from you – they come and remove it you collect the money. Something like Martin Ayles has done (as per audio)
Perhaps, to be fair you’d offer the current owner a percentage of the deal – keep the work place relationships nice!
Could be a win-win-win situation! As long as you can find some-one who will buy the house and remove it for you. If not, then it reverts back to the original owner.
Worth a try? It certainly is outside of the square.Cheers
C@34Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to always try something one more time.
– Thomas EdisonDon’t let reality be the benchmark for your Dreams
Originally posted by Derek:Originally posted by as41:a 3 bedroom room brick house for removal.
A removable brick house ??????????
0409 882 958Scotmestumped as well??
“Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
Count The Currency With This Online Positive Cashflow CalculatorTake your time there are plenty of houses on the market for free &the cost of removal varies on where your taking it to,the height, the width etc.Its obviously brick veneer so the bricks would have to be demolished & dumped extra cost & the house reclad.Ads in the Building Materials section of newspapers regularly give away free houses or contact some demolition contractors who would love to give away a house & not pay for costs of demo & still get to keep the contract money.Be wary of house removalists as thet can be shonkier than us demo guys ha ha Happy househunting.
you build em we wreck em
Please, when you move this brick house, can you give me a call!
I want to bring my video camera. I could win some money.
Good luck.
Hey there
Kool opportunity aye!!
I was just in a similar situation, only the deal was in NZ
I wasnt ready to have the home shifted so rang around removalists and tried to do a deal with them, Ie I offered to ‘give’ them the property if they would do a good deal with me down the track when I was ready for a house. Another idea might be to see if the removalists would ‘babysit’ the home for you while you organise yourself…….some money would be involved but could be worthwhile!!
How much time do you have?If you want to chat more PM me,
All the best!!
Merry Christmas!! [aacool]
Bob the Worker!
No need for rude comments really! As you can tell from my “comic icons-” I’m with stupid”…I’m just a newby wanting some help….As the saying goes, if you cannot find anything nice (orconstructive in this case) to say then its better to not say anything at all……[chill][withstupid]
Hello varying comments there.
Mate tell you the truth I am with the other guys never heard of anyone moving a brick house, or dont think it even possible.
Is the house on a cemement slab?
I am not a builder but the bricks hold the house together, without them huff & puff the whole thing comes down.
Even if possible the costing factor to re-brick the house would be costly.
Let us know what you decide to do, be interested to know.
I’m not a builder either, but a brick veneer house is really just the same as a weatherbord house. They both have simular timber stud framing etc.
The main difference is that the WBoard house has stumps around the perimeter and weatherboards/or other cladding fixed to the outside of studs, forming the external lining.
With the BV house, they have a footing (concrete foundation) around the perimeter with a mainly single skin brick wall atop, built around the outside of the studs with about a 50mm clearance from outside of studs to inside of brickwork. The bricks are usually also fastened to the studs with brick ties.In short, what this means is that the framing is what holds a brick veneer house together, the brickwork is merely an outer cladding. It could well be as simple as knocking down brickwork, relocating house and installing new brickwork at new site.
NOTE: This does not apply to solid brick houses and most brick garages etc. Also note if a BV house is on a concrete slab, then it can’t be relocated.
Hpe this helps.
Hi There
I am really intrigued by this topic. I also have never heard of a brick house being relocated unless it is literally brick by brick.
So, I am interested to hear what it is like…..veneer? on a slab? on stumps or piers? etc etc etc.
For me, this is a perhaps a case of not knowing what I don’t know….and I am keen to hear more.
As for an answer to your question, as I understand it, about basically where to store it…all the house relocators in my part of Qld have regional acreages to sit a house on until the house is ready for it’s final destination. I have seen some of them stored for up to 8 months. So, why don’t you sus it our with various house relocators?
That’s the only suggestion I can come up with so far. Best wishes and I really want to hear more about this house you’ve found!
DinahOriginally posted by as41:Bob the Worker!
No need for rude comments really! As you can tell from my “comic icons-” I’m with stupid”…I’m just a newby wanting some help….As the saying goes, if you cannot find anything nice (orconstructive in this case) to say then its better to not say anything at all……[chill][withstupid]
as41, it seems we have been unkind to you on two of the threads you’ve started. Sorry for that! [blush2]
Please can you start again from the beginning with as many of the facts as you know! Like Is it really a brick house? Is it Brick Veneer or double Brick? What condition is it in? Why is the current owner looking to off-load it for free? Why don’t they renovate it? Is it on conrcete or on little stilts? Etc……We don’t often hear of ‘brick’ house being removed as it is very costly and the return is not “better” than building new. The more we know te better the opinion or suggestions will be.
C@34Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to always try something one more time.
– Thomas EdisonDon’t let reality be the benchmark for your Dreams
Still Confused here,
I know the difference between weather board & brick, just didn’t want to go into too much detail.
Basically you will be going into minimal salvage, i.e truss.
With a weatherboard house, they can go in the house and cut it into ‘transportable’ sections.
If you were to debrick the house and have all framework exposed, then proceed the frame will not have the same tranpsorting integrity.
The roof will ir tiles will all have to come off too.
The list will continue as with the costing.
Basically you will be a building recycler, again I have never heard of anyone carrying this out.
Maybe we will read about it in the next AP mag.
Again keep us informed if you go ahead with it.
Do you know what your talking about?In theses situations you brace the frame before transporting .
Dinah is right.
You can move the house if you get rid of the bricks the roof is the same as a weather board it is held up by the frame . If the house is on stumps and it is not double brick it can be moved , in a lot of cases the house is in better nick because it has not had water damage . Most weatherboard home if they have not been maintained through out there life have problems with rot somewere .Buying Propertys in the USA email me to learn more.,
I probably dont, but its just my personal insight I have never moved / relocated a brick house.
I take it you have relocated a brick house? If so what was the out come? Was it worth it ?
What about the base? Wether board house is generally wood, adding extra integrity ( i.e. bracing) for transporting.
Again just my opinion, and I do believe I am looking at the whole picture logical
No I have never done it but I was going to demoish a house once to build units and it was brick and the builder found someone to relocate it. I don’t know what the out come was but it was a good size home that a recent reno to the bathroom and kitchen.
Buying Propertys in the USA email me to learn more. as41
This thread seems to have stopped before New Year and I was genuine in wanting to know more details about your opportunity.
Has there been any further development?
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