All Topics / Value Adding / Capricorn

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  • Profile photo of AUSPROP

    “Maybe I was looking at the wrong sandpit…….


    KP – further to our discussion – you were looking at the wrong sandpit [blink]


    Profile photo of kp

    I was looking at the ‘retirement village’ site…..on the wrong side of the road……trust me.

    Thats what comes from being left/right challenged. I much prefer the location you pointed out Ausprop.
    Seems like good buying compared to Two Rocks.


    Profile photo of meilin08


    Lucky I didn’t listen to you when we spoke on the phone! I would have missed out on a good deal!


    Profile photo of kp

    ** OOPS !! **

    The lesson here is don’t ask me for advise as I will probably direct you to the wrong subdivision.

    Profile photo of angiep

    The Capricorn Harford Grove stage 2 has just been released for sale. The price for a block has only increased by around $10000 for the traditional lots. This is still a great buy compared to The Reef estate.

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    Yes there is a block there for $100k with a $1500 rebate for an unconditional offer plus the building incentives. With 12 months till settlement it is a real bargain.


    Profile photo of thinkbig


    I’ve been thinking about the concept of building spec homes as a method of investment for some time now, and i’ve lurked around your posts for some time, I too am in Perth and I’m very impressed with the Perthites activities in these forums. I’m pretty sure we’ll take the plunge in the Capricorn project but for those who have done this a few times over (in Perth), what are your opinions re traditional/cottage lots for this sort of stuff. Does the block size have much bearing on the overall ‘end product’.

    Seems there’s an awful lot of cottage lots in the capricorn plan.

    A quick scan of the spec home builders seems that a sub 15m frontage limits your options or is this not the case either?

    Thanks for any feedback you’d like to offer.


    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    the cottage lots have gained a lot of popularity and I love our standard design that we have for these small lots, however in the case of capricorn, i went for a traditional lot as I felt there was a scarcity value attached to it.


    Profile photo of MTRMTR
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 663

    Hi thinkbig
    I like to stick to (traditional blocks), a minimum of 600 sqm2, 18 mtre frontage.
    This will allow me to build the 4×2 – 200+sqm2 home + double gargage.

    I always ask RE agents what sells well, and I also look at what the average person/family wants in the particular area.

    I am not too keen on building on cottage lots as an investment proposition.
    Cheers, M

    Profile photo of thinkbig

    Out of interest, were the majority of the 1st release rear access blocks also (for those in the know)?

    I think it makes for quite a nice streetscape, and for the blocks i was looking at resulted in less of a distinction between the cottage blocks and traditional lots… If that makes any sense.

    Also was there the same verandah requirements on east/west facing blocks?


    Profile photo of Rob_WRob_W
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 28

    So how does the new release stack up against the first? I chose not to buy in the first release, but now I’m starting to get swayed by peer pressure!

    My main concern – where’s the scarcity value in buying in Yanchep in the longer term? Right now there’s definitely undersupply – prices for established properties are strong at present. But if there’s going to be a constant supply of land coming onto the market for the next 25 years, is long term oversupply an issue?

    So I guess what I’m asking is there anything unique or desirable about the current releases that won’t be available in the releases in 1 or 10 years time?

    Looking at the map of Capricorn I’d have to say that Harford Grove doesn’t look all that good to me! It’s a lot further from the beach than Lindsay Beach, on the wrong side of Two Rocks Road. $100,000 is cheap for anything in Perth these days, but I think I might wait for the next release on the beach side of the street.

    I do like the large amount of public open space that’s been allocated. I wonder if that will be consistant throughout the life of this release, or whether the developers are going to focus particularly on giving the earlier stages attractive landscaping.

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    the way I see it is, they can’t keep releasing land 300m from the waters edge for 25 years… there is only so much coast line. and the alternative Harford Grove land was priced so cheap that it more than allowed for the inferior location. this is sort of similar to the baldivis/rockingham situation, where despite being oodles of land, the more that they create in baldivis just makes the exisiting rockingham land more valuable by virtue of the ‘tunnel effect’


    Profile photo of Mabbott

    what’s the best and most effective way of staying on top of what’s being released with what conditions ahead of time and what’s being planned before people start camping out??

    still don’t know what i don’t know

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    Keep in touch with the sales agent (Rod). have a chat to him about what’s coming up. make sure you are on his email and postal list, as they circulate this a little bit before each formal release.


    Profile photo of Mabbott

    Is this sales agent (Rod) the agent for all land releases North of Joondalup??
    This may be the stupidest[blush2] Q this year but… Does he make normal seller’s agent commissions on each block or how does that work??

    AUSPROP, do you have an email address i can contact you on??

    Thanks Michael

    still don’t know what i don’t know

    Profile photo of angiep

    Hi Again

    Would anyone know how far they have developed the Hardford Grove estate to date? Just wondering if they are on track to release the titles in February. I have not been able to go and have a look for myself due to being away for work reasons.

    Many Regards,

    Profile photo of meilin08

    * From the Website*

    New Release
    Stage 4 Lindsay Beach
    Stage 4 at Lindsay Beach is due for release at the end of March 2006. Approvals are currently being finalised with the expectation that the land will go on sale at that time.

    Stage 4 is located at the southern end of the estate closest to the Lagoon Beach and foreshore reserve, and is close to all of Yanchep’s natural amenities. Many of the lots will have ocean views and views of the public open space and foreshore reserve.

    All the lots will be sold off the plan with an expected selling price starting from around $180,000. For land this close to the coast it will be outstanding an unbeatable value.
    Please be advised that not all of the lots on the plan may become available for sale.
    You can also view all the anticipated new releases for 2006 and a summary of the conditions of sale by going to the FOR SALE page and clicking on the relevant PDF.

    Construction for Stage 4 is to begin in May 2006 with titles expected to issue around November 2006.

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    Mei – whats the latest up there? have you bought into this or anyone else getting in on it?

    I see the Reef ( prices keep going up and are now from $205k.


    Profile photo of VCBBVCBB
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 4

    We have just purchased a block at The Reef, primarily because one can sell the block without building, unlike Capricorn. Also , futures blocks at the reef are further away from the beach, so thought it best to get closer to two rocks road now.

    As for future land being available, I look at Mandurah which is going berserk and there is so much land available.

    Marmion Ave is expected to be at Yanchep sometime 2007, so when that happens the floodgates will open up to those who arent thinking about that far up. I remember when Hillarys was happening and everyone thought the blocks were expensive and so far away, and everyone made heaps.

    Thoughts anyone?


    Profile photo of waynel2waynel2
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 311

    Hi Brian,

    Yep – marmion ave is the key to Yanchep. As soon that’s through Yanchep will go berserk!

    I’ve actually just put my block on the market at $335k (Its in Ocean Lagoon – Yanchep). I’ve had it for about a year now. I don’t really want to sell it as once marmion ave is through it will be worth alot more – though due to financial circumstances I have no choice.

    I heard stage 4 at Capricorn Project has been released… does anyone know if those blocks have ocean views? Especially block 100 – priced at $250k.



    Wayne Leech – Accommodation in Western Australia.
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