All Topics / Opinionated! / What’s your occupation ??
Great Post Dazz
I am a Medical research scientist by profession. My PhD was in lung physiology looking at disorders like respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants.
I then worked for 3 years as a post-doctoral research fellow in Canada at an institution called the vaccine and infections disease organisation, where I ran a project in the development of recombinant DNA vaccines for respiratory syncitial virus infections.
I also worked as a university lecturer in molecular biology.
I have lots of publications in good medical journals and can get a job anywhere. I choose to be a real estate investor!
I now run my own business in buying and selling real estate full time.
We buy properties in Adelaide. Immediate Cash Settlements, No Agent Fees.
phone 0412 437 582I’m an Analyst Programmer working on investment/ portfolio management solutions. I’ve been doing my Comp Sci degree part time for the last 6 years, which this time next week it will all be over. Woohoo, now I’ll have even more time to focus on my real passion… real estate.
Prior to IT, I’d done accounting for a big 4 bank, mechandising, night packer, general hand in a factory, a courier, and I guess I can even say that I cycled full time for a period there.
Definitely not a computer nerd, it’s the business behind the solutions that I enjoy.
Some of you may have just inspire my next career move.
Getting out of your comfort zone, can help you become comfortable
I’m an IT consultant (DBA & Apps developer). It will finance my addiction to real estate … until my portfolio becomes self supporting!
I’m a professional punter.
Jacob.‘Stay Happy and you’ll be Perfectly Fine’ – Jack
I’m a share market investor and sometimes contractor in the mining game. Investing is my focus with the contract work supplementing/feeding my investments. I’m happy to say I semi-retired before 40 and should be completely retired before 50.
I’m a project accountant/administrator working within the manufacturing sector. Prior to this I worked as a financial accountant but the long hours didn’t suit after I had my first child. Project Admin/Acct is a lot less stressful and I love it because with each new project comes a new set of challenges and I never get bogged down or bored doing the same thing over and over.
I also worked for many years within the hospitality/tourism industry in Qld doing everything from bar work, watiressing, house-maiding etc. Long hours and low pay eventually got to me so after moving to WA with my husband I went back to school to get my accounting qualifications and have never looked back. The hospitality industry isn’t so bad at the management level so I returned to it for awhile including a stink managing a new resort/hotel in Darwin. I finally got sick of the 24/7 nature of the industry though and swore off it for good.
I’m the Group Quality Control Manager for a large residential building company. It’s an occupation I like very much….Apart from investing that is.
PudSenior Mine Geologist in a coal mine
Hi all,
I’m a Unix System Administrator by trade, looking after largish computers (read: servers) that run business applications, databases, web sites, email gateways, yada yada.
Have recently started a venture building smallish appliance servers running Linux that keep spam and viruses out of small-medium sized businesses.
Still looking at other ways to supplement my income to kick off my property development career!
— MJ.
I am an airline pilot, and fly international routes, and spend most of my time “jet lagged”
Financial Planning Support Officer, work under 2 advisers for a Big 4 bank.
well I’ve done a few jobs in the short time I’ve been working for my money,
I started out selling home alarm systems in NZ, commission only – first lesson learned was get a salary [blush2]
I then moved into door to door sales of cleaning products and I travelled around NZ doing this for about three months before winter hit and I could stand walking everyday in the rain no more.
Back to the home security company, this time as a telemarketer in the evenings booking appointments for the sales people (my previous job) I did this while I studied full time at uni majoring in film and television. After my first year at uni I was completely burnt out, uni all day then working till midnight is not my idea of fun. plus the money was not great ($10per hr)
I got a job during that summer at a major bank in NZ working in the call centre, answering everyday questions on personal banking, the people there were great to work with and I have a number of friends now from that time that I still keep in touch with. We even worked new years day 2000 incase the whole bank broke with y2k and we were the prevailing force on the phones to answer questions like “where is my money?”
After a while it got a bit trying as every single phone call was a complaint of sorts so I gained a promotion to the department for Eftpos. I travelled NZ installing machines, doing risk assesments and it was a really fun job. It was not however very challenging…
So I gained a job through the bank to their Australian offices (major 4) I moved to Sydney and worked in their eftpos department, then moved to Corporate banking and recently changed banks (which bank? no way not that one!) and I still work in corporate banking, I look after 18 clients in two states and manage the relationship for a specialist type of banking products.
So after all these years I still hate working for banks (3 in total now) so I see investing in property as my way out. I get paid very well for my services so I use all of the excess funds towards investing in more cf+ properties to create an income that doesnt include a bank, who knows maybe one day I will finish my degree and start working in TV.[lmao][grad][grad][sleepyanim]
Hi all,
It’s very interesting to hear other people’s views on their professions, chosen or other.
I’m an Boeing 747 maintenance engineer working as a contractor in Avalon Vic.
I haven’t always done this job,at one time a few years back I was sadly disillusioned with the above profession. So I thought I would try something different….I bought a small franchise, was a mistake but it taught me how I should have stayed in the Aircraft Industry.
Definition Franchisee = working hard to make other people rich. My humble opinion only, lol.
Can’t complain about my job, every day it’s different in heavy maintenance, basically no two jobs are exactly the same.
I run a team of about 10 guys, it’s a happy team, they work well together, I enjoy going to work.
This is my first post here at, as I have just ventured into my first property, after eventually convincing wife we could be looking through rubbish bins in our retirement, with the Investors Club. Waiting for the house to be completed in QLD. Just hope it works OK.
Bye and good luck all.hi every body,
i drive on sydney airport, have driven trucks for a number of years i specialise in multi- axle heavy rigid vehicles . i don’t have jobs as much as ‘assignments’ previously i was a qualified fitter/ machinist, specialising in comp. machining /production, prototype development etc etc, sad point– not getting a final photo with da concord, historical point–being there for the a380 in sydney,–reality check, poiniancy–being one of a group to see our bali victims and others get to their final destination- homeHi All,
Great post Dazz!!!!
I am employed as an Occupational Hygienist for a large Mining company in Western Australia (and no it doesn’t mean that I clean the toilets!!!! – I only say that because that is what my grandmother asked when I got my first job). I am sure you can imagine the look on my face after four years of University! Basically I look after employee health for the company. I love my job. Every day is different and every day I can be wearing a different hat, one day physcologist, next day counsellor, next day scientist, mentor…you get my drift. I have also worked overseas as a Health Professional in places like South Korea and China.
My goal is that by the time I turn 28 (18 months time), if Dazz asked this question again I could say I was a full time investor and did my “real job” (ie Occ. Hygienst) as a contactor (therefore whenever I want cos’ I felt like it!!!)
I love hearing about the different things people do, so keep posting guys and once again great post Dazz!!!
Kel [aacool]Hi everyone,
I enjoyed reading about all the interesting backgrounds people on this forum come from. I am a Social Worker and work with pregnant and parenting young people. I love my job so am not ready to give it up yet but also have an interest in real estate investing.
Hi All
I have a degree in Archaeology and Paleoanthropology.
My better half is a medical doctor.
We now do property investing and options trading, it pays better.
KerwynI am a Family Day Care carer.
Started in year 2000. I wanted to work in a child care centre, but I didn’t want to leave my own children to anyone else, so started looking after other children at home, too.
The reality of looking after 5 children all under 5 years old at a time is not that simple.
I get very depressed in winter time when all 5 children come in with runny nose and all I do for a whole day is to keep wiping their noses every second before they touch it (and touch my toys, sofa, carpet or me with the hands).
I meet some unreasonable and insensitive parents who treat me like a servant as well.
I feel miserable when I wonder what had happened to the degree I got at university….
But now I have another meaningful purpose to work, which is to invest my “such a small amount of money for such huge responsibility” income in properties, and that helps me overcome all the miserable feelings on bad days.
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