All Topics / Help Needed! / Perth New to investing

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  • Profile photo of wapantherwapanther
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3

    Hi all
    My wife and i are new investors wishing to meet other investors in the Perth area ,or if there are any clubs that we can attend

    Profile photo of redwing

    Investors Club, Craig Turnbulls group, And unsure what Tracey’s group in Subi is called..a search on the Forum may yield results..


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    Profile photo of AUSPROPAUSPROP
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 953

    Craig Turnbull’s group is called Aspire. be careful though as neither investors club nor aspire are clubs – they are marketing companies.


    Profile photo of suzieqsuzieq
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 149


    My advice (and it is only my personal opinion) is to stay away from investors clubs and stick with this forum and the somersoft forum and read heaps of books. Both forums have been invaluable to me over the past couple of years and before making my very first investment I would have read every post I possibly could! Best of luck


    Profile photo of RikkyRikky
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 313

    Send Dazzling a message he seems to know a lot about investing in WA

    Monopoly, my favourite game

    Profile photo of Abby

    Hi wapanther
    Tracey organises monthly meetings for interested property investors. The next one is tomorrow night Wed 26th Oct at the Loancom office, 191-193 Stirling Highway, Nedlands 6009 from 7.30pm – 9.30 pm, coffee, tea and snacks provided with $1 payment to tea club. Always lots of interesting speakers and information. Well worth the visit.

    Profile photo of Rob_W

    Sounds interesting, is the meeting open to all who wish to attend? If so I’ll try and make it myself tomorrow night.

    Profile photo of Abby

    Hi Rob
    Yes, open meetings.. the club is called PPIN – Perth Property Investor Network. Last month was a talk about RP Data and this month about Deppro (depreciation). You can go on the emailing list for monthly reminders of meeting dates and other handy info.
    Hope that helps

    Profile photo of Rob_W

    Yes, thanks Abby. See you there.

    Profile photo of Rob_W

    Well, I made it to the meeting and now know more about depreciation than I previously did. Where were you all? I didn’t recognise any names from around here, was anyone else from there?

    I think it was a valuable experience to be able to meet face to face with others interested in property investing, and complemented the on-line discussions we have here well.

    Good value for a $1 investment and I’ll be back if another meeting corresponds to me being in Perth.

    Profile photo of redwing

    Didn’trealise there was a meetingon until I read this today..I may have attended (would’ve been my first time) I use DEPPRO once until I started using Depreciator..

    Walking around the properties in Perth with Alistair and chatting with him, plus interacting with Scott (Depreciator from the Forum) has been invaluable..

    Let me know when the ‘next’ meeting is on ;o)

    I agree with suzieQ that the forum is much more valuable than any clubs..

    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
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