All Topics / Help Needed! / Real Estate Agents / Classifieds in Southport, QLD

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  • Profile photo of Gatbe7

    Hi All,

    I am wanting to sell a property in Southport, Gold Coast. However I’m not in Australia so I need some help please!

    I am looking for respectable estate agents in the Southport (Broadwater) area. Can anyone recommend such an real estate agent? As I am not in Oz I need to pretty well leave this person in charge of the advertising and full sale.

    Also does anyone know any local papers I could advertise in their classified sections?

    Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks


    Profile photo of hmackayhmackay
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 197

    Hi Gatbe7,

    Can’t recommend any REs but can recommend Astorb for help with Qld


    Profile photo of Gatbe7

    Hi hmackay,

    That’s great, thanks for that! Had a quick look and will contact them to see if they can help guide me in the right direction!

    Does anyone else have great suggestions?

    Thanks all,


    Profile photo of Yasmina

    Hi there

    Other thing that i can suggest is Gold Coast Bulletin- local newspaper, friend of mine sold her house last month advertising in there as private sale.Hope it helps.


    Profile photo of Shelley D.Shelley D.
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 51

    Hi, just the person – I live on the gold Coast and have ip here. Could you please email the details of you property to my private email address.

    In the interim – LJ Hooker at Labrador are good. PRD Nationwide at Runaway Bay also.

    Gold Coast Bulletin, but also on the internet. Not much happening here at the moment though, properties have been listed for over 6 months at least.

    Good Luck.

    Profile photo of Yasmina

    Hi there again,

    Just something very quick, you will not find anything worthwhile looking on the internet. Good deals don’t even get there, they are snapped long time before they reach that point. Make a contact with couple local REA agents let them know what you want and take it from there. All the best.


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