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  • Profile photo of vidichandra1

    New here and wondering if anyone would like to have my complimentary tickets to Breakthrough to success weekend seminar. Value of tickets is $895 each but I am not using mine.
    Seminar is about creating accelerated personal change to achieve your dreams using various techniques including NLP.
    Great for negotiating and cold calling issues, not that we ever have those do we people.
    I have 4 tickets so you can email me if you want them.
    venue/date details at

    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    There seems to be a few tickets being given away at the moment.

    I am wondering if this is a new way at marketing? Lure people to a free seminar where they are flogging something else?

    Haven’t seen any ads for the seminar tickets for sale anywhere?

    Does anyone know anything about this one?


    Simon Macks
    Residential and Commercial Finance Broker
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of Pro-Active

    Hmmm…… sounds something like that. Saw these tickets also being offered on Somersoft. There’s always a catch somewhere :)

    Pro-Active Australia’s premier Investor Education site

    Profile photo of Xenia

    They are for sale from their web page for $895 each.

    alot of them are being given away for free, which is better than paying $895.

    I will be there, I think it will be worth the effort.

    We buy properties in Adelaide. Immediate Cash Settlements, No Real Estate Agents, No Fees.
    phone 0412 437 582

    Profile photo of ptdeeptdee
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 16

    I went through a stage where i went to a few of these and i had friends who paid the dollars for the training weekends, think Anthony Robbins, and yes they will hit you up for a $10000 weekend course.

    My personal experience is basically, leave this stuff behind when it comes to self help, courses and seminars are not the answer if you have personal issues. People these days are not willing to take the time out and think about their situation and make an effort instead, they want someone to give them the answer.

    On the site for the seminar it says “You will learn to Release False Associations & Limiting Thoughts such as It’s hard to make$$$”

    How about learn from the people on this site who are already making the dollars.

    I could go on all day about how these things don’t work…………. can you tell i’m cynical about this stuff???


    Profile photo of DazzlingDazzling
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,150

    I think it’s all absolutely fantastic and for the extraordinary value offered to unlock my true potential, I am quite prepared to pay full wack…no enticing freebies for this little black duck.

    I can’t wait to start putting into practice all of these wonderful techniques. I’m just bursting to breakthrough.[blink]

    Email me exclusively at and put me down for 8 tickets. If you’ve only got 4, could you rustle up a few more for the kids and dog, they are simply bursting to breakthrough as well.

    Let me know your credit card details and what your signature looks like and I’ll be right along.



    “No point having a cake if you can’t eat it.”

    Profile photo of kay henry


    So far as I can see, the upsell is to become an NLP practitioner/instructor etc. It’s a free weekend thing. I have tickets- dunno if I’ll go yet, but I quite like culty stuff :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of AnjiAnji
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1

    Much as the advice from those on this forum will help you make money -everyone would agree you still need to be highly motivated to put that knowledge into practice and use it effectively. Why would you be cynical about the possibility of devloping your motivation at no risk ( its free after all) Oohh – maybe they’ll do some mind control on you and force you to buy some insidious motivational material.
    After reading Steves books and the mind set he outlines necessary to make investing effective it seems to fit well with NLP and developing a sharp focus on what you want to achieve.
    I’m definitely going to go along.

    Profile photo of vidichandra1

    Hi guys
    Wow, you guys get really het up easily :)

    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    I might as well come too – a weekend in Sydney will be fun.

    I have heard some stuff about NLP but don’t really know much.

    See you there Kay.

    Simon Macks
    Residential and Commercial Finance Broker
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of Xenia

    come on guys

    I don’t believe this!!!

    The guy just offered some free tickets, you either want them or you don’t

    What’s with the psychoanalysing behind secret motives.

    No one can upsell anything to you without your permission, you are not selling your soul by accepting the free tickets.

    We’re all grown up boys and girls that have control over our own minds.

    Vidi, thanks for the offer and I would like to appologise on behalf of all the paranoias on this forum!!!!!

    We buy properties in Adelaide. Immediate Cash Settlements, No Real Estate Agents, No Fees.
    phone 0412 437 582

    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    I was just asking if anyone knew anything!


    Simon Macks
    Residential and Commercial Finance Broker
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of

    Hi Simon yes i know plenty about this guy …

    You can do worse things in life but don’t miss this event. NLP is a science to a better life, it teaches you how to use what we have better (our mind) it teaches us how to communicate with ourselves and others on a higher level.

    This is not a cult thing – quite simply the decisions we make are based on our stored fileing system and hence we get a result – good/bad.

    Building wealth in life is not just about property it is about advancing in a direction to a determined destination. I have 20 free tickets – i have already given away over 100. Yes you will be up sold, yes this is the new way of marketing, but at the end of the day the choice is yours.

    Also if you are really serious about making money you should attend the Jay Abraham weekend 3/4/5 September it is only $4,995.00 not including the 100 cd’s. I want to take resiwealth – wealth4women – wealth4kids – resisearch – and my new books to a global level, so i am investing to learn ….. (

    Profile photo of Pro-Active

    Paranoid? Me?
    Who said that? When? Where? I want details….
    Only being overly cautious, guys. Maybe I’ve been offered one too many “freebies” in my time that have turned out to be anything but…..
    Anyway, looking forward (honestly!) to hearing the reviews from all those who go. I like Anthony Robbins as much as the next guy….!

    Pro-Active Australia’s premier Investor Education site

    Profile photo of vidichandra1

    Thats more like it folks
    Be excited and in control of your direction.
    NLP is about modelling success where ever you find it and personally I think if I could just soak up a bit of Steve McKnight’s mindset I’d be half way there.
    Seminars can be very motivating and challenging and I guess you get out of them what you are prepared to find, nothing more nothing less.
    Philip, thanks for the tip about Jay Abraham’s seminar. You sound like someone who is really going places.
    if anyone still wants free tickets to breakthrough to success then seize the day, put your hand up and they shall be yours.
    Warning:Do not go if you dont want to have fun, much laughing esp at self.

    Profile photo of

    Thanks Vidi,

    If any body wants FREE tickets (no strings) send me your details and any number you require and I will post them out to you …

    Profile photo of kay henry

    i doubt anyone ever pays anything for these tickets- so I think the “normally $895” is bogus, but anyhow, as I said, it’s free- one can’t complain.

    X, as far as apologising on my behalf- hehe- please don’t.

    I am happy to go along to anything at any time- unless I feel it’s obviously unethical (and I don’t think NLP is) but it doesn’t mean I think it will change my life. Basically, I think I have the inner tools to change my life if I want to- but funnily enough, I kind of feel ok about my life, so why would I want to change it so desperately?

    vidi, please tell me this weekend is not one of those ra-ra dance on the spot gigs, a la, tony robbins… I feel *really* uncomfortable about the Hillsong-type raise your hands hoopla. Show me the ideas, but don’t make me dance for them like some poor dancing bear. [mickey]

    kay henry

    Profile photo of vidichandra1

    Hi Kay
    you are right, that kind of stuff is just not dignified.
    The presuppositions of NLP include
    Everyone has all the resources they need inside them now to be effective in their lives and that only you can choose to be the cause of events in your life so what you said fits right on in.
    NLP wont change your life, the decisions and distinctions you make change your world.


    Profile photo of ubique

    Id like a free ticket to brisbane, September 16 – 18, 2005
    sounds good

    Profile photo of ubique

    HI Vidi
    Thanks for the tickets, My partner and I attended the Melbourne weekend. We enjoyed it immensely and got a lot out of it. We noticed a lot of people signing up for the follow up events so obviously they thought it was worth a more in depth look. We have been to other events and paid hundreds for them. We wouldn’t have been disappointed if we had paid hundreds for this event (well we did as we live in Adelaide, but it was well worth the trip). There was over a 1000 people there and I didn’t see anyone disappointed.

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