All Topics / Opinionated! / What type of vehicle do you have ??

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  • Profile photo of investorgirlinvestorgirl
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 14

    1992 Holden Nova for everyday use, and for fun a 1978 rubbernose MGB which my husband has had great fun restoring and on which we hope to get all our money back when we sell.

    Profile photo of NobleoneNobleone
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 146

    Hi All,

    After reading some of the posts in this thread I feel really rich to be able lay claim to being a 2-car family…

    But before you get too excited…

    One is a 1982 (23-years old) Nissan Bluebird with 450,000 klicks on the clock and our pride and joy is a 1994 (11-years old) Subaru Liberty sedan with 309,000 klicks on the clock.

    I would think we’d be lucky to get $500 for the Bluebird and $8,000 for the Subaru.

    Dream car for me would be a 5-series BMW and a Corvette for weekends and for my wife a flashy sporty Honda but I think we need a few more IP’s first.

    Cheers, Nobleone. [biggrin]

    “Making mistakes is just another another tool for learning.”

    Profile photo of Mortgage HunterMortgage Hunter
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3,781
    Originally posted by ANUBIS:

    MJA – ohmigod, that commodore is not as fully sick as your rex [wink]

    My Commodore is fully sick.

    Getting looked at today by Doug the mechanic, hope it will not be as sick when he is finished.

    Simon Macks
    Residential and Commercial Finance Broker
    0425 228 985

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    Profile photo of oshenoshen
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 112

    I have a 1990 falcon that I bought just over a year ago for $1400.

    Profile photo of Pursefattener

    Well, what an interesting topic. Things are not always as they seem eh.

    We have a 93 model magna as our main car with 270 clicks on the clock. Have had very little trouble with it in spite of what people say about magnas.

    Also we have an 86 model Nissan tray back ute in a diesal. Just got our diesal rebate back as we are primary producers. Claim it about twice a year.

    Have you also noticed that the car thing is reflected in other areas of peoples spending.
    Especially clothing. I know some very wealthy people and you would be surprised how ordinary they dress. I guess its because its just not important to them how they look.


    Profile photo of roborobo
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 155

    Guess i am the tosser with the leather?
    2 cars
    I have 04 Honda Odyssey. (luxury model)
    My wife 05 Honda CRV. (standard eh)
    forgot to mention my leather office chair and 2 leather lounges.

    Profile photo of Pursefattener

    This thread brings back memories of my first car. A 78 Datsun 120y , you know,in the orange. Bought it in 83 when I was still in high school. Cost 7k and I had 6k of my own to throw at it and my folks loaned me the balance which seemed to take forever to pay back.

    The only trouble was it wouldn’t stay on the road very well and it wasn’t too roomy in the back!

    Those were the days.

    Oddly enough , I could go in now and buy almost any car I wanted and the wife knows it to. We could have lots of things , but , there’s no desire for them.

    Just happy to plug away at what makes us happy in doing business and investing in realestate.

    I find it amazing the number of young people that want to get into investing but have a car loan.

    I suppose if I had a dream vehicle it would be an F100 with a tray back and a good roo bar on the front. Oh …and it must have have air( a good heater)

    My son could learn how to drive in it…..


    Profile photo of toni89toni89
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 125

    We are a 2 car family. 1994 Nissan Bluebird & 1999 Toyota Hiace. I think they’ll be with us for a while. I cannot see the point in spending money on a car! Although my husband says I would look good in a merc.

    Profile photo of myoungmyoung
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 33

    BA XR8, fun and 80% business use on a $15K car allowance
    96 Jeep for the wife on Gas, family truckster



    Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure as hell can mitigate a lot of things that make you miserable.

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    95 Honda Accord as the family car and the “work car” is a Diesel Toyota Hilux twin cab ute..

    Not sexy but hey…comes in Handy


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    Profile photo of castoncaston
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 58

    I hoon around in a ’82 Datsun Stanza. I paid $1300 for it about 3 years ago and it was in mint condition.

    Since then its been hit 3 times in the left rear passenger door. None of those times were my fault. I’ve also had a truck smack into the back of me and dent my rear bumper.

    I’ve also had the master brake cynder replaced and keep it regularly serviced.

    Its done: 207,724 and I spend about $190-220 a month on ULP + additive.

    I found that you can get horizontal in it if you put the front passenger seat right down and don’t have a baby seat behind it ;)

    Profile photo of Brisbane 04Brisbane 04
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 215

    Hi All,
    First car was a VW Beetle because my father thought it was a safe car absolute rubbish and those people who have driven one would know what I mean. Current cars EL falcon 97 station wagon gas doesnt miss a beat 2 nd car EL Fairlane 97 just as good.Martin[biggrin]

    There are 3 types of people:1. People who make things happen.
    2. People who watch what happens.
    3. People who wondered what happened.

    Profile photo of AbbyAbby
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 42

    What sort of a car do I have?….um, it’s a small white 4door…um sedan??…That’s as technical as we girls usually get! Actually it’s a ’92 Toyota Corolla, bought $4,500 secondhand in good condition and should last me another 10 years at least!!
    But must share my girl’s car story… parked my car on the front verge one afternoon to wash it (yes, manually) but couldn’t wash it without wetting one of the two cars that had earlier parked on the road nearby. Both drivers (girls) had gone into the house a couple of doors down, so knocked on the door and 3 girls came out. Told them about not wanting to wet the car and what did they say????…..”is it the red one or the silver one?” …. of course! Luckily they didn’t say is it the Mazda or the Holden (for instance) cuz I wouldn’t have known myself.

    Profile photo of lifeXlifeX
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 651

    1969 Holden HR

    bought with cash $2000………it’s reliable, cheap and easy to maintain, great for towing and has a front bench seat. Fuel costs a bit though and it has a few rattles.

    er, Does anyone know how to convert miles to kms as I have no idea how fast i am going? I found that the police don’t take kindly to me when I point out the speed limit signs don’t specify kms or miles.

    And you should see the accountants face when I show them the logbook in miles!

    I average about 350 kms a week and it hasn’t missed a beat for ages. oh, hang on, the tailshaft did fall out the other week…which explained the loud knocking noise at the time.

    Live, Learn and Grow


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    LifeX you lucky thing!

    I have a (very) soft spot for HRs. When I was born I was brought home from hospital in our metalic blue HR Premier sedan. In this car our mum drove us everywhere for the next 16 years, school, shopping, holidays on the coast, you name it. It was the first car I ever drove when I got my L plates. We loved that car and us kids named it Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (from the movie).

    Unfortunately when I was 16 our dad decided that Chitty was not going to pass rego and it was no longer economical to fix her. In desparation I shared my plight with all my school friends. One of them came back to me and said that her dad would fix the car and us two girls could share it.

    Before he came to look at it I washed, polished, vacumed and even blacked the tyres to help her make a good impression. My friend’s dad said OK and I cried with relief. My mum and I even went to the RTA and had the original number plates put on hold so that when it was time to register her she could have them back.

    Then things went wrong. One day, out of the blue I found out that she was registered. Not in the names of my friend and/or I but in her dad’s name. Of course not with her real number plates either. My parents spoke to her parents to no avail. The police said that, as the car was unresistered, my friend’s dad didn’t need proof of purchase to register it in his name and effectively steal it from us (that’s what my parents told me at the time anyway). That is where the story ends.

    I never drove Chtty again and only once endured a painful ride in her while my “friend” drove. She knew that no other car in the world could replace Chitty for me and that any car in the world would have been just as good for her dad and her. For me it just added insult to injury.

    I’ve thought about buying another HR but it really couldn’t replace Chitty, still the sight or even mention of a HR tugs at my heart which is why I had to share the story of my first car with you when I read LifeX’s post.

    Kind Regards,

    PS I have never named or become emotionally attached to a car since – I’m not really a raving loony… I guess it was all just part of growing up.

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    A Subaru Impreza RX is my current car- I love it :)

    Dunno why people want to spend hundreds of k’s on a house and drive around in a car that makes them look like a hillbilly, though. I thought investing in RE is supposed to make our lifestyles better?

    kay henry

    Profile photo of ANESTHANANESTHAN
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1


    I don’t contribute much here beacuse i don’t know anything about property investing although i’m learning. I had to reply to this post. We have 2 cars a subaru 05 foresstor that we got for my wife and baby and i have a toyota hilux 1986 model with 450000kms on it.


    Profile photo of DazzlingDazzling
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,150

    Excellent to see so many people contributing, even some first timers – well done.

    I’m waiting for the first motorbike riders to show up. Who’s got a ’93 Fatboy or a ’54 Panhead ?? Probably not too practical for housing purposes – but great for scouting opportunities.

    Abby – loved the “it’s a white one” description.



    “No point having a cake if you can’t eat it.”

    Profile photo of quigglesquiggles
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 98
    Originally posted by kay henry:

    A Subaru Impreza RX is my current car- I love it :)

    Dunno why people want to spend hundreds of k’s on a house and drive around in a car that makes them look like a hillbilly, though. I thought investing in RE is supposed to make our lifestyles better?

    In my case it’s because the cars that mean enough to me for me to want them are so uneconomical as to make them a low priority. A slick Porsche or a Corvette would be fun, but they are real liabilities. You couldn’t park them in the street, insurance would be a hassle etc. Just not worth it at present from my point of view.

    I am considering upgrading my pushbike, however. :)

    Profile photo of neo25x5neo25x5
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 166

    I have a real passion for Mercedes cars, more so the classics. A couple of years ago I owned an ’85 380SEL and a ’87 280SE (wifes wheels). I ended up selling both as there was a real conflict between our goal of aspiring to financial freedom and the very expensive maintenance costs on these beasts. Now, I shuffle around in a 2003 Toyota Corolla (company car) and the wife in a 94 Camry which we paid cash for after sellings the Merc’s. My dream car is an S55 AMG (Mercedes).

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