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I would like to see the following:
1) At what point should asset protection be a serious consideration. Some say before you start your portfolio others say a few in your own name then look at trusts etc.
2) The different types of Trusts and there Pros and Cons.
3) How to interpret info whilst doing the research. eg indicators that a momentum may be starting in price rises.
SGHi Steve
1. My question is whether to sell or not to sell a 3 year old house at Berwick ($260 per week) or go for something, similar price, more positively geared in a resource town.
2. With everyone getting onto the positive cash flow band wagon won’t rents eventually fall and investors be left high and dry paying the mortgage?
Hey Steve,
Firstly – am enjoying trying to digest the knowledge of your members & preparing my investment plan / strategyNewsletter item for novices like me :-
1. How about some websites to get key FREE info like auction clearance rates, unemployment figures, avearge population growth, infrastructure projects.
2. Some basics reagarding best way to structure finances eg Trust vs property in your / partners name vs companyHi Steve,
This has probably been covered but I would like to something on: When To Sell/ Not To Sell
How to evaluate an IP after you have owned for a period of time taking into consideration:
how much equity u have;
cash on cash return;
if it has dropped in value, should I sell, or should I hold ;
and the temperature of the market at the time.
etc.Also, The pros and cons of claiming non-cash deductions ie Depreciation.
Many thanks for and regards,
Hi there, I’ve been lurking for a short while & love this board so far
I’m nearly 19, and have a great interest in investing – particularly property. As yet I don’t own any properties (only $$$ in the stockmarket), & I was wondering if a strategy for young people ‘starting out’ would be a possibility in an upcoming newsletter? My apologies if this kind of material has been in a past issue, I just think it’s pertinent to my generation of investors who are looking around with blank expressions – trying to figure out where to put their money & how to go about it. Perhaps from a different angle altogether, to aid parents in educating their kids on the topic of property investing in this day & age.
For example what kind of income you’d need, what lenders would be looking at differently because of age, type of property to invest in etc.
As a personal personal example, whether joint-mortgaging a less-expensive residential property would be the go (combining two youth incomes to gain an advantage)? Just another idea I’ve been toying with.
I realise one could pen an entire book on this topic (ie. Rich Kid, Smart Kid by Kiyosaki), but a rough guide to youth investing in Oz would be fantastic…as well as one on how to construct a semi-intelligent post
/end rantRegards,
RichardHi Steve,
My number 1 choice is:
What rights do landlords have in general and who can we turn to for advice?
2)How to deal with insurance companies when they try to refuse your claims.
3)How to change a loan that has IP’s crosscollaterised.
C2, I can answer number 3 quickly for you…
Ask your lender if they will separate securities. If they will you will not need to refinance. If they won’t, you can refinance within the same lender or find another lender. You need to split your loans so the LVR on each property is at acceptable levels to be able to stand alone. It is not a difficult task.
Example of cross-collateralisation…
4 x properties worth 250k each
1 x loan at 800kExample of stand alone properties…
4 x properties worth 250k each
4 x loans at 200k eachTMA
Investor Links
First Home Buyer WebsiteThanks TMA,
Do you have any idea on the costs they may impose to do this?
Depending on the lender and what is needed, it can be anything from $0 to $1,000. Other factors may pose a problem – eg: if you have a fixed rate.
Investor Links
First Home Buyer WebsiteThanks again TMA,
The loan is fixed, but I think that because the rates have gone up since the loan was taken out that may sway them a little.
I would like to ask what an investor does when there is a down turn in a rural property market due to a mine closure??? The houses become cheaper and it is harder to rent due to the houses becoming so cheap
Hi this is the first time i havve wrote toyou in reply, so please bear with me. I have one property in which my wife and i live . I am looking to start my portfoleo in investmant properties,iam having problems with the positive gear / cashflow. My problem is to make the rent from a property cover loan repayments ect i would have to borrow less than $100,000.00 ,other wise the loan repayments exceed incoming rent.Ihave read book 136 properties in three years and am having trouble with the 11 sec rule .To make it work i would need a deposite off $60,000.00 to by aprperty worth $150,000.00, then iwould have not enouth deposit left for my second imvestment property.I agree with your idears on positive cash flow and look forward to your next news letter Glen.
I would be interested in some discussion on the role of a Mentor. For people who have never seen a mentor-protoge relationship up close, what does/should it involve?
Is a mentor like a parent, teacher, private tutor, wise old sage, hollywood style martial arts master, Godfather figure?
Should a mentor be an investing partner?It just seems to me that the majority of “normal” people never have or talk about mentors, but succussful “going places” people always seem to have mentors. So from a previously “normal” person, what’s it all about?
Hi Steve,
Ways of adding value in interesting ways to make the ppty more attractive and hence value up or increase rental to make better yield if it can’t be purchased up front would be good.
Hi Steve
A topic I would be interested in and I believe others as well is the subject of self employed borrowers funding properties that do not fall in the mortgage insurers post code areas. the prospect of using up all the equity in the first couple of purchases I believe must be a problem for many of us. I know there is a solution I have just not discovered it yet.laurel proposch
Hi Steve
1. Discussion on development finance
2. Raising funds through equity partners
3. Discussion on the Psychology of investing.Cheers
Oscar [thumbsupanim]
Hi Steve
I would really like to see information and advice for young people starting out, like richo. Teachng the kids finacial literacy is something we should be passionate about. My 12 year old now knows the difference between good and bad debt. I shall teach them as much as I can about investing but it would be great to see someone like yourself taking this on
ToniHi steve..,
Good to see the BIGGIES wanting to know our littlies needs..Thankyou..
I like Swampy30’s Qs:
strategies for building wealth in this environment of rising rates and falling prices.
Possible strategies
– Build equity by paying more off loans
– Let time increase the value of property
– Carry out realistic analysis of holdings
– Investigate what we can expect by looking at previous economic cyclesand C2s
of the best place to source fianace once capital is used up…..
and my own 2c of ‘when to know how much debt is too much debt’ ie not taking into consideration the “comfortable factor” but for example if you know you’re going freelance next year and therefore not as ‘goodlooking’ on paper to banks (similar salary,though)…obvoiusly taking into concideration cycles/rates you max up your loan (if and only with properties you would have bought anyway…)
just a thought
thanks Steve & all posters…great Q’s ..I have a note book full already..[thumbsup2]rumin
Hi Steve
I have read the other posts and of those i would support are the following:
will appreciate your thoughts and views on the recently updated book “The Dollar Crisis” by R. Duncan. Also your thoughts on the The Economist ‘s recent themes on the ‘worldwide property market bubble’.
To tell you the truth I am interested in seeing what you think of the next two decades, especially with so much going on (baby boomers retiring, pension situation, etc)… The opinion of even experts varies amazingly, from total depression to not much happening at all. It would be nice to hear from an investor view point, rather than from the screaming headlines of newspapers (and even the cover of books too!).
Also perhaps some strategies of what investors can do to reduce their risk (perhaps a mixture of non property and property related).
So to put it down into two ‘tags’: trends and risk control
I’m interesrted in the long-term macro economics especially given the NZ trade defeict.
On a more pragmatic note:
1. Why America: You mentioned you were doing this in your seminar. i would be interested in why. Is it because NZ is dryoing up.
2. Is NZ drying up: From my perspective commercial is great at the momment but I see only one area of NZ that is left for good yeilds and even then you will be lucky as it will last for a few months or so.
BTW: Since the seminar confirmed on two, one during the seminar both meeting the 11sec rule! Have also driven to and through all the areas of NZ I had never been to get a feel for it. So I’m pleased to stay stickn to the goals, sad to say that even small town NZ has done a dash (yes, there are always the odd bargin but when rural NZ is at 5% you got to ask questions).
Which leads me to my final question: Do you think Oz and US are better now just due to sheer size which allows for more undiscovered or untapped markets. With the Aussies coming over here and NZ buying it is pretty easy to see how it can get swamped fairly easy. The ripple effect in NZ only needs to go three or four towns and you hit another city.
The 3 issues I am presently encountering are:
1) Should I be setting up a trust to protect my freehold asset before investing?
2) With the uncertainty of the elections, should I hold off till after when the prices are indicating that there will be a drop in the prices?
3) How do I organise borrowing from the bank without an income, but have no debt whatsoever but heaps of equity?
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