All Topics / Help Needed! / Name the BACKPACKERS

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  • Profile photo of Ajax


    I was also trying to do something with the f… angle thinking of the pronunciation of Whakapapa ski field and other nZ locations. I think I got the sign wrong in my post…I’ve been told the sheep not the farmer should be wearing the gumboots (and the gumboots should be on backwards to stop the sheep walking away in a hurry).


    Profile photo of Michael Whyte


    I here ya!

    And although I was mostly trying to be a little witty and clever, I think the concept still has actual merit!!

    Backpackers are pitched at a young liberal demographic. You know, the kind of people that also go on Contiki Tours for all the “obvious” benefits of these…

    So, to throw a bit of a quirky sexy conotation in to the name will probably make the place seem more edgy and less ma and pa’s lacy B&B. The kids will want something novel and fun with a big bar and lots of other young people.

    I recently got back from Africa and stayed in one backpackers which actually had a spa pool in the bar itself. They had lots of nickers and bras nailed to the bar from previous lodgers, who no doubt really enjoyed their stay. [blush2]

    Anyway, keep it young and fresh and pitch it at the kiddies is my tip. Rotorua backpackers would not cut it I think. But then again, as old Will himself said “What’s in a name?”


    Profile photo of Ajax


    where I live (near Bondi) and for my immigration business I get to read a lot of magazines aimed at Backpackers. TNT magazine comes to mind. One backpackers in Sydney city advertises “We know what you want” and contains an excerpt from a girl’s diary…Tuesday date with cool hairdresser (Steve) I met at bar something…., Weds…surfing lesson with Paul at Bondi …Thursday drinks with Mitch then…?

    Then there is a magazine that’s pitched to British backpackers…British Balls (reports on soccer back home and has pictures of bikini clad backpackers and humorous captions-quite blatant “we’re here for a good time not a long time” theme and pegged at a fairly basic level). I don’t really like this magazine…nothing remotely sophisticated about it at all.

    I think a sexual theme (and a slightly crude/basic theme at that) will sell….I also think it would ruffle some conservative Kiwi feathers which is also not necessarily a bad thing.


    Profile photo of Michael Whyte


    That’s the first rule of marketing isn’t it: STP (Segment, Target and Position). And you position using the 4 P’s of the marketing mix, i.e. product, price, promotion and placement.

    In this case the segment is obviously the backpacker set which is youth with fun on their mind. To target this group you position the product to them with the 4 P’s.

    Product: Well its the backpackers, but it needs to be geared towards youth with flyers and a kitchen etc etc.
    Price: Affordable for the youth.
    Promotion: This is where the name is important in establishing what the brand is your trying to sell. People skimming for options might buy just based on the name alone.
    Placement: Well that’s just making sure your backpackers is in an area where this sort of set would like to stay.

    Unfortunately, some conservative Kiwi feathers would no doubt get a little ruffled if they knew what the backpacker set was really like… [biggrin]


    PS I’m not in Marketing, so apologise if this is a whole big pile of you-know-what.

    Profile photo of Ibuycashflow

    Ajax and Michael, thanks for your discussion.

    Regarding the 4 P’s there are some aspects I am stuck with such as the physical position of the building. The rest of the marketing mix has to revolve around this. The place was originally called The Grand Hotel but today it would be difficult to compete with more modern complexes without major structural work – hence the backpackers.

    Product – yes, backpackers but remembering that a product is actually a “bundle of perceived benefits”. Security, cleanliness, private facilities, bar, restaurant, services, funky, image etc. We can’t just sell a bed for the night we have to position the product to be more acceptable than our competitors.

    Price – generally governed by the competition however, our overheads are low. Rather than discounting to compete I would prefer to provide add ons as part of the package, especially regarding entertainment. Bar snacks, happy hours, comedy, drinking competitions, wooly stuffed pets.

    Promotion – this is where the name is important. Websites, brochures, advertising all require a name that attracts a persons attention, is easy for them to remember, and does not deter them from wanting to stay. It is the first point of contact and the first chance to get customers in the door.

    Placement – the physical position of the property is Rotorua CBD. Close to cafes, bars, tourist attractions, tourist centre. Walking distance to most places. The position I cannot change but the backpackers and inexpensive tourist accommodation has to be better than the boarding house as it was being run.

    We will be targeting the 18 to 35 market segement. This can be broken down into further segments such as group tours, FIT’s (Free Independent Travellers), DINKS etc. This market segment generally have more disposable/discretionary income, no dependents, less commitments and are generally out for a good time.

    So would you want to stay at a place called something like, the Sheep Shaggers Inn or Beds for Ewes? Not something you’d want to tell your mates about anyway. If we keep the name subtle we can always throw in some gumboots as part of the package.


    Profile photo of BattleshipsBattleships
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 63

    Hi Ibuycashflow

    This is a kind of combination inspired by the previous posts. If you called it “Lamb Surprise” and put together a top lamb “secret” recipe that was absolutely delicious and could only be obtained at your place. you have
    1) exclusivity
    2) sublety
    3) the home cooked meal feel
    4) plenty of scope for logo’s showing surprised lambs


    Profile photo of ridi

    Hi Ibuycashflow
    sounds like you don,t want your packpackers accomadation sounding too dirty possibly becouse they have that stigmar already you sound like you just want it to suond just a little cheeky and unique …? right well I;v come up with WANNAHAVEALOOKI which also sounds mauri when said quikly and also sounds like what the NZ blow fish says in the movie FINDING NEMO
    wannahavealooki sounds cheeky but not dirtyand cheap .good luck on your dream I heard that insurance is high for packpacker inns for landlords. I hope NZ is cheaper for you

    Profile photo of ridi
    Originally posted by ridi:

    Hi Ibuycashflow
    sounds like you don,t want your packpackers accomadation sounding too dirty possibly becouse they have that stigmar already you sound like you just want it to suond just a little cheeky and unique …? right well I;v come up with WANNAHAVEALOOKI which also sounds mauri when said quikly and also sounds like what the NZ blow fish says in the movie FINDING NEMO
    wannahavealooki sounds cheeky but not dirtyand cheap .good luck on your dream I heard that insurance is high for packpacker inns for landlords. I hope NZ is cheaper for you

    Profile photo of Michael Whyte


    Agree with all your thoughts on the 4 P’s.

    Of course, if you want just quirky in the name then good old “Whykickamoocau” and the others are always a good fall back.


    Profile photo of dean bdean b
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1

    what about Dragyapack Inn then your nexy one could be Dragyabag Inn or something along that line

    d bainbridge

    Profile photo of ridi

    dragabag-Inn is a great name love it…………….regards ridi

    Profile photo of DiniDini
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 7

    Black Packers could have some racist repurcussions.
    DO put the name backpackers in it. We are in 50+ range & we search using the word backpackers. Yes the Backpackers book is a great idea to put an entry in. Used it a lot.
    Dutch ovens is defiently relevant or ‘Green waters’ or Muddy Hole or Mudbath.
    Good luck

    Profile photo of BrewBrew
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1

    This one made me laugh…… The Mud and Whistle
    Good luck!!


    Profile photo of annemlanneml
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 54


    Has it been named yet?


    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    heya Jeff :)

    I was just gonna say that I think calling it anything Maori or even plays on Maori is a bit… umm… well, a lot tacky. I reckon that picking up on the trinkets and baubles stuff has a lot to be desired- unless, of course- you’re a Maori yourself- which changes things.

    Why not just play on the Kiwi accent and call it a “Bickpickers”? hehe.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of mitmmitm
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 28

    You mean bUckPUckers

    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 992

    Me thinks you need to find out exactly who the target audience is (backpackers from where last, what nationality, age bracket etc) and find out what and where the information flow is. It might be on the wall of every backpackers in Kings Cross & inner Sydney, or the net, or 3 magazines, or all of the above. Whatever it is, you gotta be there. Find a theme which will not create uphill with local authorities, go for it. Total success in satisfying every guest in the first 6 months is vital. This period has the most “gawk factor,” and is the time when your business will attract the most attention and will generate the most feedback and news, so, ensure it is all good news.
    No other period in the life of your business will spread good news as fast as bad, so take full advantage of it. Use giveaways, referrals, free nights, be generous, the packet of noodles group want news at all their show & tell sessions.
    Ensure you have all the latest big screen & net access gear.
    Good luck

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

    Profile photo of Ibuycashflow

    Hi again,

    Have been frantically organising and renovating rooms. We had to make some beds available prematurely for the recent Lions Rugby game, the town was absolutely packed.

    Anyway, managed to get about half the rooms (10)painted, carpeted, new bathroom fittings, lighting and beds etc all spruced up for about $25k prior to the game and are now working on the rest.

    We are still operating under the banner of “The Grand Hotel” but this will all change when we’re ready to officially open(??). There is still some major building work to be done to provide a modern entrance and reception area, and communal kitchen facilitiy etc etc.

    And yes I agree, a theme is an excellent idea. Something that can be followed right through to make the stay an “experience” rather than just a bed for the night. There are many accommodation venues with Maori influences, most of the major hotels are riddled with Maori carvings and put on concerts etc. We would prefer to have a point of difference, we know our target market and we know how to reach them we just need to refine the image.

    Will keep you up to date as things progress


    Profile photo of C2C2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 518

    Hi Jeff,

    When targeting the backpacker industry you will find that their number one concern is the price and the second is if its clean followed by safety for women and if its popular with women the men will follow. Forget about the play on words as you will be getting quite a lot of foreigners who dont understand the meaning behind it. In Darwin Australia where it is nice and hot the only place that is named accordingly to the heat is called ‘chillis’ and has a chilli as its logo. Other backpackers are called Frogs hollows, Darwin city lodge, globetrotters and even faulty towers. Try to keep the name to one word that identifies either with the name of the area or attractions in the area.


    Profile photo of SherylSheryl
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 2

    I am currently working fill-in at a backpackers. The name is something I’m not sure about, but, listing with Hostel world will definetly get you on the right track. They take a commission but I have several booking per day from all over the world. Most backpackers use the internet, so having a good website where they can book direct will get you on the fast track, at the moment everything in th NT is almost fully booked!
    Most backpackers give their credit card details on their booking forms, you need this because if they dont turn up they are aware they will get charged a booking fee. $60.00 a double is normal, and this is without ensuite.$20 a dorm , which normally fits 4-6 beds in one room.If you can get yourself selling Tours, this will also get you between 10-30% commission. A lot ask for hire bikes. hope this has helped. I have been thinking about this one myself as sometimes you will have people that need to stay about 3 months for all sorts of reasons, and real estate agents will not look at anyone under 6months. These may fill your times when tourists are low.
    Hope this has helped, good luck.


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