zuki124 replied to the topic Warning about reality TV shows! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
If you are interested in renovating maybe look at something that has been partually renovated but not to the markets liking as alot of these properties will come up soon as people find out that it takes quite a bit of money and experiance.
Leave the unrenovated properties alone as you know the worse condition its in the more money it fetches.
So…[Read more]zuki124 replied to the topic Why Brisbane is best: in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I have just come back from brisbane and all the properties that I looked at in the close suburbs you were lucky to be getting 5 1/2% gross.
But I agree it still has got some more gain.
cheerszuki124 replied to the topic Interested in peoples thought or advice! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I have just set up a company to buy property as a trustee for my family trust.
This is the advice my accountant has told me.
Hope he is right!“I’m no tax expert just know a good buy when I see it”
Hope that helps
cheerszuki124 replied to the topic Somethings Wrong here! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Thanks for your responses and by the way the regional town is in Queensland but it’s not as far as R.
zuki124 replied to the topic rental review in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I agree with everyone as well I have a rental property and has been rented for 3 yrs with no increase, the tenant has just approached me and asked if he could paint the inside to freshen it up, so by keeping the rent the same makes the tenant happy and in the long term your in front especially at the moment there is a glut of rentals about and…[Read more]
zuki124 replied to the topic Block of units in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Thanks for your input Stocki
I just can’t at the moment tell you where they are at the moment but after the deal I will be glad to tell you the area so I will keep you posted all I can tell you that it is about 1hr from a capital city. There has been more of these investments in the past that I have missed in the same area. Future Capital growth?…[Read more]zuki124 replied to the topic Brisbane in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
hi tis-julie
I’m from melbourne myself and i have been up to brissy several times and seen it move like wild fire in prices in the past 12 mnths the thing is i have noticed is that brissy people don’t like to travel like us in melb. For an investment I would sugest you buy with the golden rule in mind and that is to stay within the 6 t0 10 klms…[Read more]zuki124 replied to the topic Brisbane in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
zuki124 replied to the topic Brisbane in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
We live in Melb and thinking of buying an investment in Brisbane for around 200k, perferably the nth side. As we are first time investors, we would like to know an area which is a good choice to buy in?
[/quomaybe I can be of some help if you need to know about some suburbs