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  • It's so great to see this talk about the crash becoming more prominent in forums like this one. Awareness of the bubble is really seeping into the brains of the masses. IMO the biggest driver of house prices is sentiment, when consumers are confident they’ll bid up prices to crazy levels irrespective of fundamentals, but now the tides turning, p…[Read more]

  • ZSlaveski replied to the topic Positive geared properties in 2011? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 7 months ago

    After the coming crash, cashflow positive deals shall be found everywhere, you shant even need to look hard!Sometimes it’s hard to believe this property boom kept going for as long as it did. It should have popped last time but a round of unprecedented stimulus forced a last gasp of air into the bubble. All they did was kick the can down the r…[Read more]

  • ZSlaveski replied to the topic Troy Harris on Today Tonight in the forum Heads Up! 14 years ago

    Today Tonight ocassionally surpasses its reputation!


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