Zaul replied to the topic ( PART 2 – Looking for a Mentor ) I want to retire in 6 years and I’m going to make it happen in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 8 months ago
You do not need income to invest in Property.Every book i've read has suggested you can borrow everything and just do it via foreclosure homes.
Zaul replied to the topic I want to retire in 6 Years, Going to make it happen ;) in the forum If I came back to Australia 13 years, 8 months ago
If I came back to Australia I'd want to guarantee some kind of mentorship, When I was in Australia people ignored me, I was alone and laughed at for having high ambitions.Eventually I left Sydney in Tears that nobody wanted to help me or even listen to me, I hid away in Penrith till I could save up enough to come here.
Zaul replied to the topic I want to retire in 6 Years, Going to make it happen ;) in the forum Hello Everyone!
First thank 13 years, 8 months agoHello Everyone!First thank you for the big welcome!It has been quiet a week, I read everyone's responses here and I've made some progress.First of All I've started looking for another job. $13 and paying Mr Blockbuster is never going to grant me financial freedom. That being said I'm not sure I'm in a position right now to open my own business, I…[Read more]
Zaul replied to the topic I want to retire in 6 Years, Going to make it happen ;) in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 8 months ago
Are you implying I'll get taxed more for Australian Properties not living in Australia? Because I'm not actually interested in Investing in Australia's Market Per-say, I want to invest in Canada's. I would hope I dont get charged 30 cents for the dollar?
Zaul replied to the topic I want to retire in 6 Years, Going to make it happen ;) in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi Guys,One of the reasons I left Australia was I have a GIrlfriend here in Canada, I had thought that the Australian Real Estate Market was in a slump at the moment, and there are already way too many Millionaires and Home Owners there. Canada seems to be a bit slower, not as many millionaires, more real estate available.That aside, Why would I…[Read more]