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  • zahn replied to the topic Olympic dam expansion no more. Whats going to happen to property prices? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks for the link DWolfe. It clearly explains that SA isn't heavily reliant on the Olympic dam expansion. With all the other activity happening in the area, I'm happy to go through with purchase. The price I'm paying for this property will still make it a CF+ so all good :)

  • zahn replied to the topic cherie barber in the forum Value Adding 12 years, 4 months ago

    yeah i saw that story aswell. It blew me away with how the renovation turned out and then the angry builder trying to justify his work etc. I was interested in buying the dvd set a while ago too, but I agree with zacspeed in saying that theres more then one side to the story and the pressure also.
     Poor lady, I hope she gets her house sorted


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