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  • Profile photo of YvonneH

    Hi Aussiexj.

    I am often faced with this situation at work as I work for a property education firm in nz. ask your partner what is her wortst fear about investing, once you have identified it (could be similair themes in all her life) you then have the abilitity to gove some strategies on how you will minimise them. People also learn better with metaphors as it slips through their conscious mind and into their unconscious mind where the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle can be fit together….. Mmmmm does she think ‘big picture’ or in smaller chunks? This will determine how she is viewing the situation and you can then adapt the ‘theories and ‘practicalities’ of investing to suit her style of learning and comprehension. Patience will be your best friend as well as your ultimate desire to make this win/win….. definately search for as much info as to ‘why not’ or ‘not interested’ so you can offer solutions

    good luck



    Profile photo of YvonneH

    Mmmmm I had to laugh when I saw HJ had posted 3 replies and had just finished the Perth masterclass…… guess who went to Steve’s masterclass in Auckland (NZ) today and is following up on the action steps of the day of replying to 3 forums! I have been sitting on the fence for the last 7 months with some fantastic excuses I was buying into regularaly. I even teach people how to invest and wasn’t looking in my own backyard. Wiht a brief convo with Steve at lunch and then him asking me to stand up in front of the crowd and talk about our convo I had a great wakeup call. Am really wanting to partner up with someone on an accountability level to reap the benefits of givng and recieving some more valuable lessons. I am a believer of stepping outside my comfort zones and today was a reality check. I loved steve’s qupte of ‘to get the winning hoop you have got to be on the court!’ If anyone is thinking about investing and not ask yourself ‘ Do you deserve success” If the answer is yes and you are not successful…… what is really holding you back. As a fresh newbie from his MC today I am stuggling to go to sleep….. and tomorrow (sun) I am going down the line to search for my bargains….. they are waiting for me to find



    Profile photo of YvonneH

    Hiya…. I have had a friend who is a property finder do that and do door to door knocking! She got some good leads though it was time consuming. I guess it does come down to the ole saying ‘ if you don’t ask you don’t get’ If you did this one day a week on a sunday arvo and you got a good lead which ended in a sale would it have been worth it? Who knows who is sitting at night in their kitchen wondering about how they can sell and recolve some of their issues???

    Put yourself in the potential sellers shoes… what would interest you and WHY would they sell? what is in it for them to sell to you instead of an agent….. think of ways to add value.

    Good luck


    Profile photo of YvonneH

    Hi….. to quote Steve…… Cashflow is created not found. In the market now the deals are still there yet a more creative approach needs to be used. Its like seeing the diamond in the rough. I am finding with small cosmetic reno’s I am increasing the cashflow, going against the grain of ‘most’ investors also helps rather than staying in the conventional places where everyone is trying to make it happen. Not familiar with the aussie market only hearing the specualation of the slowed cashflow NZ seems to be an easy target. Keep digging and you will find the gold…. stand back and look from a different angle… a lick of paint can do wonders so I found out first hand in Auckland which is predicted as one of the tricker places to find such deals


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