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  • YvonneH replied to the topic My Wife in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi Aussiexj.

    I am often faced with this situation at work as I work for a property education firm in nz. ask your partner what is her wortst fear about investing, once you have identified it (could be similair themes in all her life) you then have the abilitity to gove some strategies on how you will minimise them. People also learn better…[Read more]

  • YvonneH replied to the topic steves perth seminar in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Mmmmm I had to laugh when I saw HJ had posted 3 replies and had just finished the Perth masterclass…… guess who went to Steve’s masterclass in Auckland (NZ) today and is following up on the action steps of the day of replying to 3 forums! I have been sitting on the fence for the last 7 months with some fantastic excuses I was buying into…[Read more]

  • YvonneH replied to the topic Flyers in letterboxes n grannies with oozies in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hiya…. I have had a friend who is a property finder do that and do door to door knocking! She got some good leads though it was time consuming. I guess it does come down to the ole saying ‘ if you don’t ask you don’t get’ If you did this one day a week on a sunday arvo and you got a good lead which ended in a sale would it have been worth…[Read more]

  • YvonneH replied to the topic 11 Second Rule Not Relevant to NZ in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago

    Hi….. to quote Steve…… Cashflow is created not found. In the market now the deals are still there yet a more creative approach needs to be used. Its like seeing the diamond in the rough. I am finding with small cosmetic reno’s I am increasing the cashflow, going against the grain of ‘most’ investors also helps rather than staying in the…[Read more]
