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  • YoungGun replied to the topic Analysis Spreadsheet in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    I’d love to try them out too.

    I’ve tried to design my own, but theres always something missing (lack of knowledge I’m sure)


    Always set your goals further than you can reach
    – Then stretch that little bit further

  • YoungGun replied to the topic Talking to Real Estate Agents… in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    G’day Mr Jones![:P

    I too am fairly new to this game. I have a couple of properties and I am currently looking for another one.

    The day before yesterday my wife and I put an offer on a house for sale. I’ve put in offers for different properties on about 6 occasions. I’ve done a lot of research and I know a lot more than agents think (they think…[Read more]

  • YoungGun replied to the topic An important distinction… in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    To me, money can be lost in so many ways, but it can be gained in more ways. I’ve flirted with the idea of making money in many vehicle strucures, but I believe you should choose something you love to do (as long as it’s a way to reach your goals) and be the best _____________ you can be!

    I love property and people, and it wasn’t till recently…[Read more]

  • YoungGun replied to the topic Purchase Price: Rental Income Ratio in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hey susiemac

    By the sounds of it, you’ve found a positive cashflow investment, good on ya, I’m still looking for one.

    I use a basic calculation to see whether a property rental is +ive cashflow or not. This is simple and I hope someone can elaborate on this so I may use a more precise formula.

    Weekly rental ($190) minus property managing fees…[Read more]

  • YoungGun replied to the topic Property value doubles every…. in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Another way to work out how often your property will double (roughly) is divide the yearly growth percentage into 72.

    If a property grows at 8% per year then…
    72 / 8 = 9 years to double

    Always set your goals further than you can reach
    – Then stretch that little bit further

  • YoungGun replied to the topic A property developers dream in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Thanks very much[:P

    Always set your goals further than you can reach
    – Then stretch that little bit further

  • YoungGun replied to the topic A property developers dream in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Thankyou. it’s a great site. Thank you[:P

    Always set your goals further than you can reach
    – Then stretch that little bit further

  • YoungGun replied to the topic Selling private or through an agent? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago


    Always set your goals further than you can reach
    – Then stretch that little bit further

  • YoungGun replied to the topic Selling private or through an agent? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Does anyone know of any good resources that will tell me the process of selling a property (land) privately?[:P

    Always set your goals further than you can reach
    – Then stretch that little bit further

  • YoungGun replied to the topic steve i have one question in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hey Tails

    ever heard of the saying “one step forewards, 2 steps backwards”? Don’t worry, I will think of you when I make my first million.

    Steve, keep up the good work[:D

    Always set your goals further than you can reach
    – Then stretch that little bit further

  • YoungGun replied to the topic Hot Spots WA in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago


    Always set your goals further than you can reach
    – Then stretch that little bit further

  • YoungGun replied to the topic offers in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Yeah those clauses are common. You should always have an escape clause.

    A couple of other great subject to clauses I use are:

    Subject to “finance suitable to the purchaser”
    Subject to “Approval of my business partner” (even if the business partner is your cat)

    these are great “get out of jail free cards”

    Always set your goals further than you…[Read more]

  • YoungGun replied to the topic Danny & Paul Hanna in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Thanx Stretch!!!

    Always set your goals further than you can reach
    – Then stretch that little bit further

  • YoungGun replied to the topic Danny & Paul Hanna in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    hey Stretch

    Where could I get my hands on their seminar video



    Always set your goals further than you can reach
    – Then stretch that little bit further

  • YoungGun replied to the topic Danny & Paul Hanna in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Im going to the D&P Hanna info night at burswood, I can’t afford to go to any courses yet, but I love going to info nights as they get me excited!

    Even if I hear the same things I have heard at other seminars I’m sure somethings will be different and as Steve says “success comes from doing things differently”. I think that $60 could save me…[Read more]

  • YoungGun replied to the topic Brett: lets start a WA investing team? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Great to see a lot of young fella’s getting into PI. I am 21 and I STUMBLED into my love for PI as I got Married a 19 and the first property we purchased was a Mortgagee sale, about 12 months later I then realised if I could buy more of these deals I’d be laughing!

    Now I’ve sold that one, bought land in mandurah and bought an apt in South Perth…[Read more]

  • YoungGun replied to the topic CGT – ??? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Thanks guys

    Ziz, I’m not exactly sure what you mean about sell an option to buy???

    Always set your goals further than you can reach
    – Then stretch that little bit further

  • YoungGun replied to the topic Yeilds??? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Thanks AD, you are very helpful. I was almost embarressed to post this topic origonally as it seemed silly coz although I am learning I have so far focused my knowledge in other areas.

    as the saying goes “if you don’t ask, how will you know” (or something like that)

    So thanks, and thanks for the example it certainly…[Read more]
