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Personally I’d work out my worst case scenario, decide whether I could handle it, then either buy it or leave.
I think you might gain more success using an option strategy. Can work in a down market i.e agreed price now to pay in future.
Still some great buys in Tasmania. Evidence suggests the Burnie market is still booming.
Give them your account details, what have you to lose?
Try every financial intermediary you can find, one will surely say yes.
Best investment you’ll make, especially if your tenant causes havoc.
Kiwi’s should really stick to sheep and let us Aussies take all their pos Cashflow properties.
Qld market is currently booming, however a great deal of pressure is being placed upon its resources. I was reading today that QLD water supply is even lower than NSW’s. I predict the QLD market will continue to rise only in the short term and then my dear friends, look out.
I’d add it to your savings and one day you’ll have enough for a 10% deposit on a good piece of real estate.
Get yourself a large, ugly mongrel dog. Cheaper and will actually work.
Still some great buys in Rosebery, Tasmania
Usual bank val: They select the valuer, they charge you, however you don’t actually see the report. Bankers…..
Trusts can be great structures, however it is crucial that you understand them. In some cases one would be better off investing the $2000 odd that it costs to set up the trust. When I set mine up, I asked myself: Do my assets really need protecting i.e are they substantial enough for someone to want to go after? Can I afford the cost of setting a trust up and maintaining it? Do I have an adequate team to draft a trust deed etc.
You can still make a great deal of money in a flat market. Enough doom and gloom, the market hasn’t crashed at all. For a crash to occur, prices need to fall 30% or more across the board, hence resulting in a recession. Are we in recession?
I’d work out what you want to do with the land, get a DA in and then start building. I’d get a construction loan and build a block of units.
Go for it!
Could you forward it to me to?I’d use a JV to start with.
My understanding is that I have this money available should I require it for investments, hence I can act very quickly. Of course this service comes at a cost.
Best advise is to use people you know or those recommended to you. There are a lot of sharks out there.