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George Poullos

  • George Poullos replied to the topic Finding deal vs Finding loans in the forum Finance 6 years, 3 months ago

    You should always know what your capacity to borrow is before doing any deals. You don’t actually need to get a ‘loan’ before finding a deal. But, having a broker look over your financial situation will give you a good indication of what kind of capacity you have which will then allow to seek out opportunities within that capacity.

  • George Poullos replied to the topic Possible to borrow? in the forum Finance 6 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Brizza,

    Whether you can or can’t borrow anymore cannot be determined by such a small amount of info. It would be irresponsible to give you an answer without a full assessment of your financial situation.

    If you’re want to know if you can borrow more, get in touch with a good broker who can assess your situation and give you an accurate idea…[Read more]

  • George Poullos replied to the topic Cross-collateralisation ever a good idea? in the forum Finance 6 years, 5 months ago

    Crossing securities is rarely the solution. The same result can be had by not crossing, which would give you more flexibility generally speaking. Ask him why he can’t still access your equity required without crossing securities. He should be able to answer immediately.

    Seeing as you’re not comfortable with that structure, tell him. It is your…[Read more]

  • Hi FXDaemon,

    Certainly this could be an option for you. We are doing quite a few of these with investors such as yourself who have maxed out servicing capacity with the traditional lenders.

  • What are Non-Bank Lenders?

    A non-bank lender is a financial institution that offers home loans and other types of loans, but which doesn’t hold a banking licence.
    Some of the better known ones are Liberty Financial, Pepper Money, Virgin Money, Bluestone & La Trobe Financial to name a few. Australia has many non-bank lenders. Unlike banks, c…[Read more]

  • What are Non-Bank Lenders?

    A non-bank lender is a financial institution that offers home loans and other types of loans, but which doesn’t hold a banking licence.
    Some of the better known ones are Liberty Financial, Pepper Money, Virgin Money, Bluestone & La Trobe Financial to name a few. Australia has many non-bank lenders. Unlike banks, c…[Read more]

  • What are Non-Bank Lenders?

    A non-bank lender is a financial institution that offers home loans and other types of loans, but which doesn’t hold a banking licence.
    Some of the better known ones are Liberty Financial, Pepper Money, Virgin Money, Bluestone & La Trobe Financial to name a few. Australia has many non-bank lenders. Unlike banks, c…[Read more]

  • George Poullos replied to the topic Adelaide property investing in the forum Help Needed! 6 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Adam. The simple answer is no. It isn’t imperative for the majority of people. But it really depends on what the longer term plan is & your situation. How big will your portfolio get realistically? Will you invest in multiple states? Is your profession the type that is risky from a litigation point of view?

    These are the things you should…[Read more]

  • George Poullos replied to the topic Interest Rate in the forum Finance 6 years, 7 months ago

    As being alluded to above, there are quite a few things that have changed in the last couple of years & are constantly changing as we speak. Assessment rates for existing debt, new debt, OFI debt, living expense calculations, P&I/IO debt assessment differences, margin lending debt to name a few.

  • Your situation sounds like it it’s in need of specific legal/tax/estate planning advice.

    Perhaps get in touch with @terryw from this forum. He specialises in these areas.

  • Your situation sounds like it it’s in need of specific legal/tax/estate planning advice.

    Perhaps get in touch with @Terry_w from this forum. He specialises in these areas.

  • George Poullos replied to the topic E. Timor property: How can I get valuation? in the forum Help Needed! 6 years, 9 months ago

    Is it possible to ask for valuations from agents outside the area? Say from Dare, Tibar or Hera? Perhaps looking at current real estate for sale in Dili and using that an as guide to bring the two parties to the table?

    Failing that, perhaps you might need the services of a local lawyer who may be able to suggest an independent valuer or another…[Read more]

  • George Poullos replied to the topic E. Timor property: How can I get valuation? in the forum Help Needed! 6 years, 9 months ago

    Is it possible to ask for valuations from agents outside the area? Say from Dare, Tibar or Hera? Perhaps looking at current real estate for sale in Dili and using that an as guide to bring the two parties to the table?

    Failing that, perhaps you might need the services of a local lawyer who may be able to suggest an independent valuer or another…[Read more]

  • George Poullos replied to the topic E. Timor property: How can I get valuation? in the forum Help Needed! 6 years, 9 months ago

    Is it possible to ask for valuations from agent’s outside the area? Say from Dare, Tibar or Hera? Perhaps looking at current real estate for sale in Dili and using that an as guide to bring the two parties to the table?

    Failing that, perhaps you might need the services of a local lawyer who may be able to suggest an independent valuer or another…[Read more]

  • What are living expenses?

    Living expenses play a potentially crucial role in a lender’s servicing calculator. They are generally one part of the serviceability calculator that cannot really be reduced past a minimum floor, but certainly does have the potential to go much higher if applicants declare more than the minimum as specified by each s…[Read more]

  • What are living expenses?

    Living expenses play a potentially crucial role in a lender’s servicing calculator. They are generally one part of the serviceability calculator that cannot really be reduced past a minimum floor, but certainly does have the potential to go much higher if applicants declare more than the minimum as specified by each s…[Read more]

  • What are living expenses?

    Living expenses play a potentially crucial role in a lender’s servicing calculator. They are generally one part of the serviceability calculator that cannot really be reduced past a minimum floor, but certainly does have the potential to go much higher if applicants declare more than the minimum as specified by each s…[Read more]

  • George Poullos changed their profile picture 6 years, 9 months ago

  • George Poullos‘s profile was updated 6 years, 9 months ago

  • George Poullos changed their profile picture 6 years, 9 months ago

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George Poullos

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