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Just got judgement from the residential tribunal in my favour. Now we need to track down the tenant who has moved to the feral state Queensland.
So now I am investigating how to transfer to a debt collection agency.
Dont you realise how long it takes mini to do her posts. Even my wife does not talk so long….
When you feel comfortable – take the plunge. Its a bit like when you learn to drive. I learnt more after I got my licence.
Dont forget to look at the worst case scenario. If you can ensure that does not happen eg. lock in interest rates then you ok to go.
Also property investing is a long term gain. Dont expect overnight gains. Buy when you can afford it and the key is time in the Market.
Beach Huts – or those tin/timber boxes on the beach in Aspendale/Chelsea (Melbourne) are now $60k.
I would expect the bank to give me reasons and advice on what is required. Do I need more income, do I need a good credit reference, do I need a deposit. Do I need to get off social security.
I would not pay a higher interest rate and more for the property. I would fix my issues with the Bank.
I would do whatever the bank requires me to do. I would not get emotional about market movements esp in rural areas where the market does not move too often.
It almost makes you sick – the way he brags about it. As if he is everyones hero.
I invest in the area but have not in Seaford. If your prepared to buy a house on a large block in the Fortesue St area, you will do very well in my opinion in the future.
Beachside properties are going ballistic. The caravan parks are now being sold and subdivided.
The reason I have not are as follows;
1. I prefer Sth Frankston
2. Seaford is very close to Nth Frankston and the Pines
3. Its the worst area between Aspwendale and Frankston.
4. Got a few mozzie problems with Kananook Creek.But as its on beach, one day more yuppies will move in and those on lower incomes will be forced out. But I’m talking 10-15 yrs. So its got good potential.
I have no idea who has been around longer. But I assume they are both peddling similar wares.
I recall back in 1998 on night time Infomercials, while in the US, there was a guy called Carlton Sheets who was peddling wraps as well.
So they both probably borrowed the concept from the US.
<<legality of non council approval/??>>
A friennd of mine built a granny flat as a detached extension. Therefore its not supposed to have a kitchen and laundry. After council inspections he put them in got a tenant.
The other day he recieved a notice from council as they heard he has made it into a flat.
Now he is sort of in the pooh. Any advice for him?????
My advice, tread wearily.
Just saw it. So style gurus, public relations people, diets, tailor suits etc.
Obviously more money in seminars than buying/selling properties.
Of the two examples shown (people who attended course) one has done one wrap and the other has not and is still considering there options.
There is a market out there for wrappinng seminars, but not for me. I’ll do property investing the traditional way.
Another question I have for you is – what is your occupation? I am an accountant and my brother is a carpenter.
I reckon we can both do well in property but via different ways. As I have a steady income I have access to more money to borrow. As a carpenter, he can add more sweat equity, do renovations, build bungalows in the backyard etc.
So if your a carpenter or in the building trade and can source funds then you got a good chance of achieving your aim.
I am hoping to do a development with my brother – I finance project – pay half interest each, he gets paid an hrly rate and we split profits. Hopefully thats another way to speed the wealth creation process.
I have no sympathy for them either……
And not to mention those buying in rural areas now…..even if they are ve+. They may not be too ve+ with a few interest rate rises.
Spruiker No. 5 – I think is Steve McKnight
Spruiker No.6 as you describe him is Neil Jenman from the Jenman Group. Ok – lets not forget he too has his own agenda of building a real estate franchise group. By slamming consumer issues he can describe himself as a defender of consumer rights.
Everybody has their own agendas. Hopefully we can all take out the bias and make up our own minds.
For both Spruikers – There are some issues I believe in and there are some issues I dont believe in.
I had a look at a property on the weekend of 27/28 March. I have had two phone calls from the Agents. I think it was about 3-4 yrs ago since I got a follow up call.
Dare say – I aint going to call. Looks like the agents got to work harder now.
Maybe he knows it aint going to be worth that much in 2006.
One bed one study, too much for me.
What did you expect when you bought off the plan?
How long were you expecting to hold it? Have you bought anything else off the plan before?
I live in Melbourne but dont know anything about Victoria Point.I think if your near Telstra Dome and can hold for the long term (10-15 yrs) you may do ok!!!! In 10 yrs time we may be saying – gee wish I bought then. But too risky for me…..
<<<<<Real estate is different because it has sleek operators and marketers who specialise in hiding the truth, manipulating people’s emotions and painting a false picture. They do it with a degree of sophistication not seen in car yards>>>>>
I agree.
I got caught once by a slick insurance salesman 20 yrs ago. I had just finished Uni and wanted a 10 yr savings plan. I think it was like an insurance bond that expired after 10 yrs.
On signing the paperwork it said 25 yrs. I said I wanted 10 yrs – he goes dont worry, they are all like that – thats the way it is. So I signed it. After being overseas for a while I came to understand that the higher the years the higher the commission. Thats when I realised I got wrapped/ripped off. Fortunately I explained my circumstances to the Insurance company and I did the 10 yrs with no penalities.
But I got ripped off. It can be difficult to do the research and understand how some industries work. Banks, real estate sales people, solicitors etc should be held accountable for MISLEADING behaviour.
Not disclosing the truth is misleading behaviour. Really what purpose do these people serve to the community. NOTHING.
I dont know what the rates can be. With the Comm Bank you can make $10k extra repayments a year.
Its just a way of hedging my bets. We are at historical lows. So far my 10 yr loan has been in the banks favour.
I have a 5 yr loan due to expire in Aug. I am thinking of fixing that one as well. Maybe 10yrs. I am buy and hold. But could be 15 yrs.
I notice employment figures in the US were extremely high Friday their time. So there could be rate rises in the future there. The sharemarket may start to increase there as well.