Y replied to the topic Mortgage Brokers- any thoughts in the forum Finance 20 years ago
I’ve been looking at Western Australian properties, possibly a unit or a house in a smaller complex in Perth, Rockingham , Mandurah or even further afeild, i was thinking of anything up to $180-200K max if it was a house less for a unit.
This is just an example mind you.
I would structure the loan as a Fixed…[Read more]
Y replied to the topic Mortgage Brokers- any thoughts in the forum Finance 20 years ago
Tax time is coming also, we will get a reasonable return, it would be nice to get another Investment Property soon.
Y replied to the topic Mortgage Brokers- any thoughts in the forum Finance 20 years ago
Does my partners rent count as income, how about her Family tax benefit A and B payments etc when looking at her total income for serviceability?
How about the rent coming in from next Investment Property?
We have a chance to rent out PPOR as well and may look after a friends place for a year, , we bought the PPOR two years ago and have saved…[Read more]
Y replied to the topic journey VS race in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago
some people make a journey of the race, by the time the finish or realise theyare in race everyone has moved on.
Dont getolder without gettin wiser..
we are all here for short time, what are you doin with your time?
I say ‘develop a sense of urgency’
Y replied to the topic philosophy in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago
Maybe everythingdoes move in cycles?
themore cycles you been involved in the more you learn.
all these people lose as well as win, even kery Packer has ups and downs.
philosophy is ‘just’ your opinion
Y replied to the topic Lemmings in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago
yack is right in many respects and most people with IP in citys fix intrest and intrest only, now is still good time to fix rate.
In steves book he put 20% deposits and use P&I loans.
Yacks warning is as KP says, be prepared if the market moves and do reasearch.
Y replied to the topic Telstra vs ACN in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago
Anubis has some good points..
see story and tread carefully..
“Mr GOODE will clear his desk by Wednesdayâ€
From newspaper..
City of South perth chief executive Stephen goode’s contract has been terminated because he failed to tell councile before becoming involved in a telecommunications business that is under ‘investiga…[Read more]
Y replied to the topic Creative ways to make money… in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago
“Mr GOODE will clear his desk by Wednesdayâ€
From newspaper..
City of South perth chief executive Stephen goode’s contract has been terminated because he failed to tell councile before becoming involved in a telecommunications business that is under ‘investigation’ to determine if it is a pyramid scheme.
Mayor Hopkins said followin…[Read more]
Y replied to the topic help me make more money? please :) in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Easy money and no stress?
Ha Ha..
get a job and ‘earn’ your money, save it and invest in appreciating asset’s.
Agree with SiS also (partly) , with part-time job, you’ll learn more than how to make wage, might not seem so at start..but..
Y replied to the topic creative financing in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
If you post some financial’s..
maybe the Mortgage Broker here couldhelp?
Y replied to the topic Who is Buying in WA in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Looking North [biggrin]
Y replied to the topic What things should an investor pay for byJune 30? in the forum Finance 21 years ago
My IO loans fixed and paid monthly in arrears..can’t change without costs or different rate to pre-pay 1 yr in advance..
lesson learnt here..
Y replied to the topic Mining Project – Regional WA? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Maybe do search on ALCOA
Y replied to the topic school dillemma!!! in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
On TodayTonight was story of a Uni girl ( couple of degrees )trying to now get a job, now ‘overqualified’for a lot of job’s and ‘inexperienced’ for any others..
same show, Apprenticeships in the trades go begging, you cant find a bricklayer..
good brickie can earn $2000pwk
some people i know are like this girl, degree not worth paper its…[Read more]
Y replied to the topic Asbestos: Legal Issues in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Mechanic friends brother got asbestosis from ‘blowing dust’ off break pads for years, now he makes apprentices use water.
If asbestosis is problem, Y not fibreglass too ???
Y replied to the topic researching a new area to in invest in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Find town your interested in,type in to “google” townname population trends..and search for any info. try local tourist centres
Y replied to the topic +CF Properties – SOLD OUT in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
I think i started wrong end of this post…Hmm