xxx replied to the topic Steve’s newsletter no longer available in PDF? in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 20 years ago
Thanks for the reply TMA but i already have the “facilities” (HDD) and the “software” (Acrobat) to save and read PDF files on my PC.
There used to be an option under “Press Room” to save Steve’s newsletter as a PDF file but it looks like admin has removed it.
Can someone from admin please confirm if this is the case, i.e. has it purposely been…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic DISGRACEFUL AUSSIES!!! in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago
Taken from,5478,15470184%255E25717,00.html
AND now to the verdict on the Schapelle Corby case. I find the defendant guilty of xenophobia, spite, boorishness and a self-righteous tribal hysteria.
No, I don’t mean Corby.
I’m referring to the weeping and bellowing mob that is demanding we do…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic What should I look for in ceiling fans? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
I’d still go for the reverse cycle air con – there’s a few sales on them now that summer’s over. I’m getting one put in an IP within the next month.
You need to spend at least $100 for a decent fan. The cheapest “good” ones are beracove’s which have that s/steel look. Although i’ve had a few problems with their r/c they’re not too bad. I just…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic Who is a great accountant in Melbourne? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Dale is a good accountant but if you do go to his firm don’t expect him to personally handle your tax. He will hand you over to one of his associates.
xxx replied to the topic window sills in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I’ve just replaced a section of window sill that was eaten by white ants. Because I intend to repaint the sill, I used a length of dressed treated pine (30mm x 30mm).
If you intend to repaint, i wouldn’t bother with the Jarra.
xxx replied to the topic Transferring NZ property into trust – use lawyer? in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Thanks for the info. I’ll definitely use a lawyer for the conveyancing so it’s not mucked up.
Hi Del, I think you misunderstood my question. I’ve already set the trust up (thanks to the good advice i got here [biggrin])
I now want to transfer the IP into the trust.
Originally posted by wilandel:
Hi,We have used a NZ Accountant to set up our…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic Buying NZ property in trust and pay no tax? in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thanks Del and Rod, i think i’m making more sense of it now. I got a reply to a recent email from the NZ accountant and this is what he says:
If the Trust shows a net profit, after depreciation and other expenses, the Trust will pay tax at 33% on any income not distributed to a beneficiary. If you distribute income to yourself, then the NZ tax…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic Help-what should we do with our CASH? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Hi Narelle,
You said Then we would do up older home and live in it – and hopefully still have at least $100-$150 to invest afterwards.
If you wanted to go down this road with the amount of cash you have available, maybe you could think about buying an older style house in the inner city as your PPOR.
You can then renovate it and sell it…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic Buying NZ property in trust and pay no tax? in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thanks for all the info guys,
I plan to mostly buy & hold property in NZ, so paying capital gains tax isn’t a big issue for me… but i’d love to reduce any tax i have to pay on the rental income
At the moment, i plan to transfer it online from my ASB account to an account here.Wilandel you said you’d managed to set up a proper NZ Resident…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic Buying NZ property in trust and pay no tax? in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thanks guys.
I’ve asked my accountant here about it and she said i’d need to speak to an accountant in New Zealand! [blink] Anyway i’ll now ask my accountant here if what he says sounds correct.
Rod, i agree with you and i think what he’s saying is that the trust pays tax on the rental income and then i make a capital distribution to myself in…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic Who’s going to the seminar in July? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Originally posted by SuperTed:
Do one in Sydney (entertainment ctr big screens etc)… @ $495 including free t-shirt and steak knifes for the first 50 that sign upWhy would you need to go to the seminar if you invested for the long term in +ve geared properties >> 11 second rule etc etc..wasnt that gospel since the book came out??
I think it’s…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic PM Fee’s- increasing ? in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Originally posted by redwing:
I don’t blame you redwing. It sounds like a blatant rip off to me and i’d be taking my business elsewhere.
You have a lot of leverage with PM fees because it is the only tangible asset an agency has.
Rent rolls sell for about $1,000 per property and are the only way of valueing an agency…[Read more]xxx replied to the topic Word Game in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Originally posted by kay henry:
And some of us ARE happy, xxx- check out the pics page under “monika” and you might understand why.kay henry
Ooooh i get it now… Monoka is a lesbian and that’s a photo of her with her girlfriend?
Which one is Monika though?I have nothing against lesbians. In fact i believe i’m a lesbian trapped inside a…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic Word Game in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
Originally posted by kay henry:
xxx said:Being gay meant you were happy.
A lemon was a fruit, not a lesbian. (and was that a vomit sign next to it?Charming… a homophobe in our midst.
And some of us ARE happy, xxx- check out the pics page under “monika” and you might understand why.
kay henry
LOL… take a chill pill and relax Kay.
That…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic Word Game in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
Being gay meant you were happy. [oneeyed]
A lemon was a fruit, not a lesbian. [puke]
Wicked meant you were evil. [skull]xxx replied to the topic Hang over solution? in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
Have to agree with some of the previous posts about water and Vit B.
Hangovers are caused by dehydration caused by alcohol which is a diuretic (something that makes you pee all the time).
Make sure you drink at least a big glass of water before going to bed along with a Vitamin B. Alcohol kills Vit B (which is water soluble) and replenishing it…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic Multiplication By Division in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
It may not be very realistic to expect this sort of return now, but it really did happen to a lot of properties a few years ago.Terryw
Discover Home Loans
North Sydney
[/quote]I agree, and i think it’s because we’ve seen huge increases in property prices which some have referred to as a “property…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic Multiplication By Division in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Originally posted by kp:
Great article…but how realistic is it to buy a property for $40k and have it increase 100% in 12 months, and then go back a buy two more at $40k each ?It’s VERY unrealistic, especially now that you’ll be seeing a correction in these cheap country properties within the next 2 years.
The “11 second solution” is a…[Read more]
xxx replied to the topic Sophisticated Investor in the forum General Property 21 years ago
I’ve also heard the term a few times and i believe that in New Zealand they are referred to as “habitual” investors.
Sophisticated or habitual investors are generally those that invest for a living professionally and do at least 6 trades a year.
xxx replied to the topic depreciating commercial property in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thanks for your very informative post depreciator (aka Scott). I will definitely heed your advice and give Apex a call.
Sorry if i was a bit curt with my early reply – i do appreciate your time in responding with great information.
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