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  • xuxucom replied to the topic Potential capital growth in Cherrybrook, NSW in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 9 months ago

    Catalyst wrote:
    Are you looking for an investment or to live?

    I am looking for a place to live however I am hoping the property can still gain good capital growth in the long term say 5~10 years if I want to change it to an IP.

  • xuxucom replied to the topic Potential capital growth in Cherrybrook, NSW in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 9 months ago

    NHG wrote:
    I'll check,I think the largest land I personally am aware of is about 900m2.That's my rents place and I don't think they would appreciate it being put on the market :pYou'd be looking at at least $700k (at one point the valuation was $800k+) and the earthworks cost would be astronomical it is not fit for dual properties.Unless your…[Read more]

  • xuxucom replied to the topic Potential capital growth in Cherrybrook, NSW in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 9 months ago

    Thank you very much all for your advice. I will go there to have a look this weekend.NHG,Do you happen to know someone who is planning to selling land/house? I am intested in land over 1000m2.CheersChen Xu

  • xuxucom replied to the topic Feasibility study of one subdivision project in Cherrybrook, NSW in the forum Value Adding 12 years, 10 months ago

    I rang the Hills Shire Council and the town planner told me that the council won't allow subdivision of dual occupancy regardless the titles. Therefore this option is off.The good thing is I realized that the Hornsby Shire council allows subdivision of dual occupancy into strata titls as long as the land is more that the minimum lot area (correct…[Read more]

  • xuxucom replied to the topic Feasibility study of one subdivision project in Cherrybrook, NSW in the forum Value Adding 12 years, 10 months ago

    No property yet. At the moment I am doing feasibility study.I think I need to go for strata title duplex, which requires less land. I need to talk to a town planner as I don't quite understand The Hills Shire's LEP. Seems like it doesn't allow any subdivision of dual occupancy (ie. duplex?) unless it has been granted before 1996.Regards

  • xuxucom replied to the topic Feasibility study of one subdivision project in Cherrybrook, NSW in the forum Value Adding 12 years, 10 months ago

    Thank you all for your reply.I am wondering how strata title will work for duplex. Does it mean a strata manager and body cooperate have to be appointed for maintenance? If the strata title doesn't differ much from torrens title in terms of maintenance and strata fee is no mandatory, I don't mind use strata titls to reduce the land c…[Read more]

  • xuxucom replied to the topic Buying with other people in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 10 months ago

    Qlds007,Thank you very much for your advice. I will look in it.CheersXuxu


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