replied to the topic What do u class as a millionaire… in the forum General Property 21 years ago
I totally disagree with people who call themselves millionaires by holding title on 1million of property.
if their net worth is $1,000,000+ then they are a millionaire.
ie assets – liabilitiesCraig
NZ Property Investing News replied to the topic Hanna Brothers in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago
Apparently they didnt get a strong show at the last NZ seminars.
The reviews that are around – on here in the archive and on somersoft are all positive from what i have found previously.
Maybe they should learn from richma$$$tery [
and start the next big marketing.
: latest email i got from them was for a free business…[Read more] replied to the topic (Property Forum) in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago
yep – one and the same.
Looks like they were ‘almost forced’ to divest their mortgage broking business – as a conflict of interest.
NZ Property Investing News replied to the topic Credit Cards in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago
Im definately PRO c/cards
Australia seems to be very with its c/limits (compared to NZ)
Choose the right card:
avoid cards without interest free days
ie theyll charge u interest from day 1 of making a purchaseof the other 2 options
you have to weigh up your spending habits.1: Rewards Scheme (but annual fee $30 – 80)
2: No annual Fee, but…[Read more] replied to the topic ING Direct rate rise in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago
Surely you would be paying interest on 150K, not 50k (assuming a 100% loan)?
And yay for the ING rate rise. didnt even know.
NZ Property Investing News replied to the topic learn to speak like a new Zealander in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
From the point of view of a kiwi recently emmigrated to these warm shores of australia.
Initially very few poeple picked up my accent.
Then something happened.
The only way to describe it is that:the occasional aussie that did pick it, attempted to make fun of it. So i preempted it by forming the aussie stereo type accent that the above…[Read more] replied to the topic Shared Equity Wizard Home Loans in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
I think from memory is was 60% of the capital gain. + their initial 30% investment
Just think of those cheap renovations you could do when the bank has to cough up 30% of the costs. (hmmm how likely is that?)
NZ Property Investing News replied to the topic Real Estate Riches- Dolf De Roos in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago
Its also interesting that he is hoping to take his property investment company public.
NZ Property Investing News replied to the topic volunteering – what can I do…. in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Hi Del,
Hey now thats definatly tweaked an interest.
Going to ring them and find out about the local group..
Cheers Heaps.
NZ Property Investing News replied to the topic volunteering – what can I do…. in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
Hey Trish,
What sorta stuff?
After reading pinkys bio, hmm scared..
just remember its the submissive that has all the power… who wears the pants?
[ ]Craig
NZ Property Investing News replied to the topic Superanuation…. in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago
Damn cool!
Is there somewhere I can go to read up on whats required etc??
While compulsory super is great for those who just plod along in their jobs til 65.. i just think that money can be invested now – in a much better way.
even tho Ive only just started my aussie super, I could see it paying for itself in 2 years.
NZ Property…[Read more] replied to the topic Superanuation…. in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago
So (Im new to the Aussie super scheme)
Can I:
Create a DIY superfund.
Leverage my companies contributions (9% of my earnings) that get paid into it, and use them to buy IP?Or in fact, have the DIY superfund become an investor in a business that I am setting up?
NZ Property Investing News replied to the topic Work Ball Theme Suggestions in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
I guess it depends how prudish your company is.
fetish is always a good one.
or toned down – naughty or nice.
..cant help with the locations.
NZ Property Investing News replied to the topic Where to buy an IP in NZ for under $35K?? in the forum General Property 21 years ago
For those that havent see it.
this is the stats on rental prices for all areas in NZ. (broken down to suburb level). Its run by Tenancy Services (So every bond is required by law to be lodged with them).
NZ Property Investing News replied to the topic Mentoring Question for Steve in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago
Is it because im an import?
the enjo thing.. thats one of those cleaning gloves. looks like an oven mitt..
how does it do anything different to a cloth?
Have to admit, when i saw it advertised on TV, i had a giggle – definately australian. (cause a 1 handed person would look kinda silly trying to use the other side…
NZ Property…[Read more] replied to the topic SMH ad in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago
Hey Crashy,
If you need any help registering a domain, or setting up the hosting let me know (dont like posting my email)
You can get a .com for around $9US and I pay $4USD hosting/month which has everything and more provided
(steer clear of the aussie/NZ hosters.. wota ripoff.)
NZ…[Read more] replied to the topic close your eyes….and make your wish in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
But if there was nakedness all the time – it would be boring! nad some of the best things would sag [
]hmm 3 wishes
a 6ft tall, slim but got curves, brunette hair, capitalist, snowboarder, chick who knows php&sql.
a chef to cook me a different tasting chicken every night
a passive income to do whatever I wanted – Which i think would actually…[Read more] replied to the topic Whats your favourite Sport ? in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
So arty gets beaten by his woman…
] Its ok to admit it these days.Craig
NZ Property Investing News replied to the topic Selling your car?????? in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago
So you would transfer the title on the car to their name.
and then register a financial interest in it (ie money owed on it)?
if not… then how?
NZ Property Investing News replied to the topic Wrapping mates & the commercial unaware ? in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Do wrappers fix the interest rate? or do they always opt for floating? (if so why)
the wrappee’s interest rate is linked to the wrappers interest rate +margin?
So wouldnt it be in the best interests of the wrapper to go for a 5yr fixed interest rate mortgage.
this would result in the wrappee having a fixed interest rate, and then at the 5yr…[Read more]
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