wwsurvey replied to the topic 2 titles?? what does this mean. in the forum General Property 17 years ago
Hi Mark,Same response as Simon, if the structures are seperate (ie on one lot) no need to subdivide. If the boundary is not where you like it you could do a boundary adjustment and in my area any change less than 10% doesn't need council approval. (check it out with you council).
wwsurvey replied to the topic Joint Tennant Refinancing in the forum Finance 18 years ago
Hi Richard,Notice your comment above, on the same subject; My wife & I are in a joint tenancy with my sister and her husband in which we own outright how would the bank look at me wanting to utilise the substantial equity we have in the house? I don't want to sell it and developing it is about 12-18 months away, I just want to use some of the eq…[Read more]
wwsurvey replied to the topic Sell to Developer or develop myself in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago
Hi Carpe,Have you considered a joint venture with a developer; i.e. you supply the land they build the units. Tender it out and pick your best application. cheers
wwsurvey replied to the topic Subdivision or strata title in the forum Forum Frolic 18 years ago
Depends on how big your block is, by strata titling your plot ratio is larger therefore being able to get more units on. You will probably find that subdiviing you will only get two units.
wwsurvey replied to the topic Subdividing in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Hi DJ,Obviously being a Surveyor I'm a bit bias; but the Surveyor the professional expert in the area of Subdividing he/she is the only person who can prepare the linen plan and create the new titles. A very good spot to start is your local councils recommendations on a Surveyor, find one and go and see him.In my area I am normally first per…[Read more]
wwsurvey replied to the topic Ipswich – Surveyors to recommend in the forum Hi Simon,
Your best starting 18 years agoHi Simon,Your best starting point woud be Institute of Surveyors Queensland http://www.isaqld.org.au/ go to links and talk to your relevant council on which surveyor they see on DA's mostly which matches the work you want to do, get their number and go and see them. Most Surveyors are extremely professional and the holdups are usually beyond t…[Read more]
wwsurvey replied to the topic Subdividing time frames in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
Hi Amanda,
Very indepth process well explained, if I could just add; as soon as you get your DA approved let your Surveyor know soon he can start his redefinition of the cadastral boundaries.
With older plans (1950-80 etc) measuring equipment was jigga(theodolite) and a wire compared to total stations and GPS so we find there are errors in title…[Read more]
wwsurvey replied to the topic Australia’s Money Secrets of the Rich in the forum Opinionated! 18 years ago
Hi Josh,
I purchased the book back in 2000 and have read it a few times since (great book). He does talk about property but not into too much depth, but you know if you can get one good idea out of a book it’s been a worth while purchase.
From his book I setup up a automatic investment program and this little sleeper is over 70k with just a…[Read more]
wwsurvey replied to the topic motivation in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago
Hi Nick,
I agree with brc you need to find someone who is doing it and having some success. This forum is an excellent place to get movitated from and correspond with people who are more than willing to offer advice.
Confidence comes from within and can be taught, my two cents worth would be to start reading some motivational books on self…[Read more]
wwsurvey replied to the topic conversion to stata title in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago
Hi Guys,
I’ve been out of the forums for a while and thought I would dive right in.
In NSW when strating titling land that is freehold and the underlining plan is not connected to the states surveymarks (ISG & MGA coords) you will have to first complete a redefinition plan of subdivision to make sure there are no encroachments by your land or…[Read more]
wwsurvey replied to the topic Canberra properties in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Canberra is very much a north side and south side town seperated by lake burley griffith. People who grow up on the south side would rarely moved to the north and visa versa.Ngunnawal is north and is close to belconnen town centre and gungahlin town centre(still constructing). One thing of worry is the streets can be very narrow compared…[Read more]
wwsurvey replied to the topic Brisbane surveyor / town planner needed in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
Go to the yellowpages or search the net for the Assocation of consulting Surveyors and find a Surveyor who is in your local area.This is a australia wide assocation with state branches run mainly by private licensed Surveyors as members. You will find one there to help with your project.
Hope that helps
wwsurvey replied to the topic townhouses in melbourne in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
Try the following links to the institutional bodies. You will be able to find a few in your area.
http://www.planning.org.au/vic/v2/ (Planner)
http://www.acsv.com.au/links.asp (Surveyor)cheers[cap]
wwsurvey replied to the topic What would you do? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
in my area(southern NSW)you can get your DA approved and you have 5 years act on it. I would say this would be fairly standard across the country but check it with your local council.
wwsurvey replied to the topic subdivision… What costs are involved in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
The position of the existing house on a corner block is important so you can get one house coming of one street and the other house coming of the other. This makes it a tidy subdivision and more appealing to a potential buyer.
Not knowing your area I can only tell you what I do in mine but at the end of the day it is all pretty…[Read more]
wwsurvey replied to the topic subdivision… What costs are involved in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
Hi Bird,
Is there an existing house on it and where is it sited?
Firslty check with council to see if it can be done in it’s current zoning and what the minimal area allowed is. Secondly, can you do a straight subdivision (preferred) or will it have to be a strata subdivision?
cheers GQ
wwsurvey replied to the topic Walking on Water…how deep? in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
Hi Redhaven,
Happy my feedback helped. Just to let you know if you can get the Surveyor to do the Subdivision for that price hurry and sign him up. In my area I would charge double that. Watch out for all the other costs such as lodgement fees etc that will add up if you haven’t budgeted for them.
cheers GQ
wwsurvey replied to the topic Opinions on Canberra? in the forum General Property 20 years ago
I’ve lived in Canberra for 15 years and I love it. I know that is going to shock alot of people but we get bad press due to all the pollies here.I’ve also lived in Manly NSW and Brisbane, which were both great places. And I consider Brissy very similar people and things to do wise. Great place to bring up kids, good schooling and mostly…[Read more]
wwsurvey replied to the topic Walking on Water…how deep? in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
I’m a surveyor in southern NSW so I don’t know what they do in Queensland but, I might be able to give you some advice regarding on what I do here.One cost allot of people overlook is the putting together of the development application. Rural res approx cost $10k this includes 6 consultants studies (survey design, flora and fauna,…[Read more]
wwsurvey replied to the topic Chicken and Egg Issue.. in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
One method I saw used was to do a mockup of one of the units fully furnished, kitchen complete and just a matter of walking through and chosing colours etc.
From the outside it looked like a big shed but inside it was one of the units and they had a big colour photo of what your proposd view was to look like.
Alot better selling tool than plans…[Read more]
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