Woopi 2 replied to the topic Any comments between the differance in value of information on this site and ‘The Investers Club’ in the forum How do I get into the 16 years ago
How do I get into the 'thread' search please.
Woopi 2 replied to the topic Can people in their late 60s, with around $1m in equity in their house, living on a pension, become financially independendent in the forum Thanks one and all for your 16 years ago
Thanks one and all for your comments so far, please keep them going, many heads are better than one.I am now at page 60 of Steves latest (?) book, 0 to 260 etc, and am finding it very informative indeed, for if I understand what I have read so far, no, it is not an impossible dream of ours, just a matter of knuckling down to the hard work of…[Read more]