woodrow replied to the topic Convinced her, now have to convince father. in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
Originally posted by DraconisV:
Its also quite ironic when I asked that sock colour question as a joke as I only have black socks. For school and for work so its easier to have all black. And black ain’t a colour so guys that easy question has no answer.
This strange comment had me intrigued, so I went on a search to the humble dictionary to…[Read more]
woodrow replied to the topic Price range with highest yield. in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
Originally posted by DraconisV:
Just a general question here, what price range for residential property(particuarly houses) recieves the highest yield.I’ve heard recently that the rent per week for a 400K should be 300-400 a week. But for a 200K its like 250. which leaves the 400K one with around about 4.55% yield. But with the 200K one its more…[Read more]
woodrow replied to the topic Convinced her, now have to convince father. in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
ok here we go:
“you don’t have the right to say that just cause we are young that we have an highly unlikely chance of sucess together in a relationship over 12 months”
It is not me that is saying it is highly unlikely you will be together, it is statistics. As I said, it is not impossible that you will, but highly unlikely.“Yes I know i’m only…[Read more]
woodrow replied to the topic Convinced her, now have to convince father. in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Originally posted by Wylie:
It is possible some insurance companies may take the view that if your house is worth $200K and you insure it for half its value, they can decide to pay you only a percentage of the insured figure. I suppose they assume you are prepared to carry some of the risk yourself. You may only get $50K.I don’t know how many…[Read more]
woodrow replied to the topic Convinced her, now have to convince father. in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
considering you have absolutely no investing experience whatsoever, have not been interested in property through a single property cycle, have in all likelihood absolutely no idea about the share market (or even any experiential idea about the property market), are not that widely read, have only been reading a few investment books for a…[Read more]woodrow replied to the topic Buying in the mountains. in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
i would love to live in the mountains, but I dont know if that is where all the baby boomers will go. The problem is that in the mountains the ground is usally not even, so there is potential for serious injury with an older person doing the gardening. a lot of times the mountains are far away from medical facilities which would also be important…[Read more]
woodrow replied to the topic Addition of Water Tanks. in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago
i read on a renovating website from america (i forget the address of the website though, lol!!) that adding a rainwater tank can increase the value of the property 4 times the price of the tank. So if the tank costs $5000 then the property automatically goes up by $20,000. Also i heard that rent goes up by at least $30 per week.
woodrow replied to the topic Adding Window Shutters in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago
Hi DraconisV
(cool nickname by the way!)
Just a couple of quick questions if you dont mind.
Can you please tell me what software you use to calculate the value of your property and rental returns after doing your renovation? Your figures seem really really good, and I am thinking about soon investing in real estate and doing the buy-renovate-sell…[Read more]