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  • woodinator replied to the topic How fast does rental income increase? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 8 months ago

    Supply and demand is what drives it but if you were looking at doing a spreadsheet i would raise it by 5% a year in these current economic circumstances. If economic conditions change significantly you may have to adjust figure.

  • woodinator replied to the topic Rising sea levels – anyone threatened? in the forum Opinionated! 17 years, 9 months ago

    I use to be a big skeptic on global warming but have changed my tune as there is just too much evidence that we are getting hotter and in my belief now i think people are underestimating how quickly we are melting. 10 of the last 14 years have been hottest on record and as a farmer who relies on temps, rainfall etc we notice this in daily events.…[Read more]

  • woodinator replied to the topic How much can I borrow? in the forum No Subject 17 years, 9 months ago


    Go for it mate, from reading what you said about your income there should be no trouble getting a loan especially if this property you’re talking about is close to positive cashflow as this will hardly affect your financial position at all. There probably won’t be much capiital gain in the next say five years but if hold onto it long…[Read more]

  • woodinator replied to the topic Pest control. Who pays. Landlord or tennant? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 9 months ago

    Pete and Jackie

    This is my opinion, if the landlord has not had pest treatment done in last twelve months then they should pay but if they have then I think the tennant should pay as long as the landlord does it once a year.


  • woodinator replied to the topic Margaret Lomas in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 9 months ago


    I am a Destiny client and paid the $3000 yet I am going nowhere with Destiny as I have not been proactive enough myself. No fault of Destiny i think i got carried away at the time and did not think far enough ahead.

    From reading Margarets books though we found out about the depreciation stuff (amongst other heaps of great stuff) and…[Read more]

  • woodinator replied to the topic car parking catch 22. advice please in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 9 months ago

    thanks Contrarian for getting back to us, have searched the forum on this and no real relavent posts on adding a carpark yet plenty on purchasing etc for investment. I think it will also be a positive although my wife disagrees hence we put it to the forum. Anyone else out there with a comment. A quick yes for add value or a no for decrease value…[Read more]

  • woodinator replied to the topic 12% return / term deposit 1yr in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 10 months ago

    I would not touch these sorts of offers. Why would these people borrow money from you at 12% when they could borrow from bank at say 8%. It is because the banks have said no to them because they are too risky.

  • woodinator replied to the topic Canberra market in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 10 months ago

    Hello sophd

    Welcome to the forum, first time for me as well.
    I own property in both Wagga and Canberra and although I never like selling in your case i think would be a good idea as i believe Wagga has had its run and the drought is impacting heavily on Wagga with flow on affects likely to stunt growth.
    If switch to Canberra i believe more likely…[Read more]


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