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  • Winner_1 replied to the topic Project gone Wrong in the forum Finance 15 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks K, I spoke to a solictor and apparantly you can only make a builders insurance claim if the builder has gone bust, but this guy is still in business. I sought legal advice to sue him, but after further investigation by my lawyer the bulder had nothing to his name. So my lawyer told me not to proceed as it was a waste of time.CheersChris

  • Winner_1 replied to the topic Project gone Wrong in the forum Finance 15 years, 9 months ago

    Hi RichardThanks for your reply, I spoke to the bank (CBA) and I told them the situation. There reply was if you dont have any security too bad. They wont settle. I told them, I have been paying a $450,000 loan for the last year, never been late so $100,000 is no problem at all, but they are not too happy to offer any sort of assistance.CheersChris


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