Wilson Barns replied to the topic Sunshine Coast Investment in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 2 months ago
I use to sell realestate in Coolum and always believe that this area will boom. Is great for holiday makers, however, if you are getting a loan, the bank is less likely to be favourable in lending for a holiday let unit opposed to a permanment rental. If you ever want equity out of it in the future you may have a lot of diffuculty whilst it is…[Read more]
Wilson Barns replied to the topic Need to buy PPOR – cash deposit problem in the forum Finance 15 years, 2 months ago
If you live on the Sunshine Coast we have a builder who is happy to sell his new homes on Vendor Finance for as long as you need.
Wilson Barns replied to the topic Rent buy and installment Contracts in the forum Creative Investing 15 years, 2 months ago
To be honest, we did not look at it as in "a margin". We were thinking of what the property would be worth aprox in 3 years if that was the term set. We know now that this is not the way to do it. How we explained this to the buyers was… "It is determined by the time frame of the term set." If they did not want to get the finance for 10 ye…[Read more]
Wilson Barns replied to the topic Mortgage Brokers in the forum Finance 15 years, 2 months ago
I must say that I agree fully with Richard.What most people do not realise is if they have multiple properties, the broker will arrange the finance so as to not securitize properties to make it easier for future investing or refinancing.I have seen the mess that some banks have created unbeknown to some property owners. They may put in an…[Read more]
Wilson Barns replied to the topic Rent buy and installment Contracts in the forum Creative Investing 15 years, 2 months ago
Thank you Mattnz. The builder is really excited about the concept of Vendor Financing buyers in on a regular basis. We started with a home that was completed already and had a standard contract with a real-estate agent fall over. He secures land with the developers on builders terms.- He has a contract to buy the land usually after the co…[Read more]