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  • Will2Win replied to the topic Kit Homes vs Spec Homes in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    The website looks interesting Matt and affordable housing is definitely what a market we're looking at. Will have a more detailed look at the site.What would a standard 3 bedroom cost to build and what does that include? eg just lock up stage, DIY or employing a builderCheers

  • Will2Win replied to the topic Kit Homes vs Spec Homes in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Thanks guys for your comments. I came across this a post on another forum that I found invaluable for anything considering building a kit home – I'll find out more from my broker about lender's treatment of kithomessonya – if the kit home came with hair clippers…that'll be a bargain!…[Read more]

  • Will2Win replied to the topic Kit Homes vs Spec Homes in the forum So it was a gorgeous Sunday 15 years ago

    So it was a gorgeous Sunday in Sydney and we decided we’d take the drive up to Emu Plains to check out the display homes of PAAL Kit Homes . It was the only kit home supplier we could find that was open on a Sunday :(
    To cut to the chase, PAAL’s main line of houses are ‘estate’ type homes for…[Read more]

  • Will2Win replied to the topic Kit Homes vs Spec Homes in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    So it was a gorgeous Sunday in Sydney and we decided we’d take the drive up to Emu Plains to check out the display homes of PAAL Kit Homes . It was the only kit home supplier we could find that was open on a Sunday :(
    To cut to the chase, PAAL’s main line of houses are ‘estate’ type homes for…[Read more]

  • Will2Win replied to the topic RESULTS in 2010 – Who’s enrolled ?? in the forum General Property 15 years ago

    Hi guys!

    I’m signed up for RESULTS as well and cant wait to get stuck into it! Our poor coach is going to be bombared! :P

    I’m based in Sydney and looking at some opportunities in SEQLD, particularly Ipswich and Toowoomba. Looking at doing some small lot subdivisions, renovs and bigger developments in future. We have some property in Sydney and in…[Read more]

  • Will2Win replied to the topic Kit Homes vs Spec Homes in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    b.free2live wrote:
    Hi Will2WinHave you looked at ASK Homes website?  I'm going through the same process at the moment, so will let you know what I find.

    Thanks, will have a look. We’re planning to drop by the display homes for OzKitHomes sometime soon as well to have a look a the quality and get a better idea of pricing. Do keep me posted…[Read more]

  • Will2Win started the topic Kit Homes vs Spec Homes in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago


    We’re looking to build a house on a subdivided battleaxe block to hold and rent out in SE Qld. Spec home builders generally look to cost about $1000 – $1200/sqm for building. I’m doing a comparison of kit homes (steel frame) particularly with designs being sympathetic to the traditional ‘Queenslander’ and also prices appear pretty…[Read more]

  • minichick wrote:
    currently working on 1 established 9 block of units strata titiling vendor gets 50k more for the property I make roughly 200k+strata titling and onselling  we have learned there is many ways to use options but takes alot of offers to get 1 through

    Hi Mini,I'm looking at doing a similar thing for a block of units. Would you…[Read more]

  • Will2Win replied to the topic Setting up a Trust for subsequent purchases in the forum Finance 15 years ago

    Thanks for the replies guys.  TerryW – we don't have much personal debt (some low limit credit cards which we pay off monthly). Everything's investment debt so we do get a healthy tax deduction every year. I guess its just a matter of increasing the equity/savings and cashflow. Will consider turning my unit from negative to positive cashflow via…[Read more]

  • Will2Win replied to the topic 1 down – where to now? in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    From your post you said you have $58k in equity after 7 months. I am assuming you still have a loan?

    This reads to me that you might have paid $322k for the property and obtained 100% finance, or you paid a bit more for it and put in a cash deposit?

    Thanks Richard and Marc!

    Marc, with regard to your post,

    I have a loan of about $320k on the…[Read more]
