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  • whiteknightoz replied to the topic Water Usage – Getting Tenants to Pay in the forum General Property 15 years ago

    I have a place in Redbank Plains and I jsut forward on the rates notice to the Property manager and they collect teh water charges from teh tenants, been like this for the past 18 months now.  I think you can only recoup the water charges if the property meets water guidelines ie. water tank, low flush toilets and shower heads etc.

  • whiteknightoz replied to the topic cheap kitchen in the forum Value Adding 16 years ago

    picked up a 4month old 2nd hand U shaped kitchen with overhead cupboards for $250 from the trading post – what a steal !

  • whiteknightoz replied to the topic cheap kitchen in the forum Value Adding 16 years ago

    hmm.. thanks for the info.  Might just be easier to grab a flat pack kitchen from Bunnings.

  • whiteknightoz replied to the topic The crash is beginning….. in the forum General Property 16 years ago

    harb wrote:
    Why, you still hope against all hope for some large falls ? Don't get greedy , we had some falls already   at least in the budget end of the market. I think its possible the top end of the market $1M+ will still go down a few more %, maybe, but I wouldn't put the house on it. At the budget end you have the FHOG and lower rates…[Read more]

  • whiteknightoz replied to the topic Should I be buying now? in the forum OK so now I am really going 16 years ago

    OK so now I am really going to show how green i am in this space…So with the 1% drop in official rates and the big 4 banks passing on 0.8% what does that mean for the market? and the possibility of more rate cuts in the future – what is the outlook?I know most people are saying prices are going to fall but I cant get my head around how this is…[Read more]

  • whiteknightoz replied to the topic Should I be buying now? in the forum Kylie,
    What areas are you
    16 years ago

    Kylie,What areas are you investing in at the moment?  You mentioned you are building a few is that the house/land packages or are you finding your own land then building?Paul

  • whiteknightoz replied to the topic Should I be buying now? in the forum General Property 16 years ago

    I am a total newbie when it comes to investing so please take it easy on me for asking the following questions:1. What makes the housing market drop in value by figures of 20% odd?2. What does this mean for land sales and new buildings – I take it new housing will dry up if established homes are a lot cheaper or the builders/land developers will…[Read more]

  • whiteknightoz replied to the topic Should I be buying now? in the forum General Property 16 years ago

    Thanks for all the great advice..Think I will stay put unless that real bargain comes along
