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  • whistle07 replied to the topic Site Bandwidth in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    I find the site slow, but open up a number of pages at once – so while one is loading I can start reading the others.

    After the Today Tonight exposure I would suggest it is going to be even slower!

  • whistle07 replied to the topic Quantity Surveyor Needed? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    I always use a QS and have found them to be very good value. $1000 for a report sounds very expensive though.

    Try to get them to value a few properties for you at the same time – ie if you are planning to buy a few over the next few months – have them all done at once and negotiate a bulk fee.

    I have been able to get QS reports done that way at…[Read more]

  • whistle07 replied to the topic Steve on the Today Show in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    And I thought 7-10am is fairly late! Will try to stay back and watch!

  • whistle07 replied to the topic Pick of the Week in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Great Idea! I only joined the forum today and I was hoping to find an area where we can share. In the past I have passed deals onto friends when I can’t take them up – but circumstances don’t always permit them to make use of the opportunity – so if someone else can benefit it is really great.

    I agree with the comments of having a template and…[Read more]
