whistle07 replied to the topic Site Bandwidth in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I find the site slow, but open up a number of pages at once – so while one is loading I can start reading the others.
After the Today Tonight exposure I would suggest it is going to be even slower!
whistle07 replied to the topic Quantity Surveyor Needed? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I always use a QS and have found them to be very good value. $1000 for a report sounds very expensive though.
Try to get them to value a few properties for you at the same time – ie if you are planning to buy a few over the next few months – have them all done at once and negotiate a bulk fee.
I have been able to get QS reports done that way at…[Read more]
whistle07 replied to the topic Steve on the Today Show in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
And I thought 7-10am is fairly late! Will try to stay back and watch!
whistle07 replied to the topic Pick of the Week in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Great Idea! I only joined the forum today and I was hoping to find an area where we can share. In the past I have passed deals onto friends when I can’t take them up – but circumstances don’t always permit them to make use of the opportunity – so if someone else can benefit it is really great.
I agree with the comments of having a template and…[Read more]