Whaleman7 replied to the topic What Is A Great Buy in 2011? in the forum Hi Mat,
Short term = week to 13 years agoHi Mat,Short term = week to week, however i've found that most people stay between 6 weeks and 6 months!The target market varies from contract workers, to families in between property settlements, to people new to town and not willing to committ to a long term lease yet – although the rental market is so tight here that some people move in…[Read more]
Whaleman7 replied to the topic What Is A Great Buy in 2011? in the forum Hi Matthew
Very exciting 13 years agoHi MatthewVery exciting times alright!!Personally I look for properties that I can add value to, however, they must also stack up as a standard rental property – by "stack up" I mean that they must have strong rental returns and/or high growth potential just from their location. I am also a very big fan of short term rentals!Put all these crtieria…[Read more]
Whaleman7 replied to the topic How much worse can it get? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
My view:The stock markets have overreacted and are panic selling, which is usually a sign that a bottom is close. Almost every stock in every index around the world is sooo far oversold the charts are screaming for at least a bounce. Then it is likely that we'll see another leg down or at least a double bottom. Then a period of high volatility w…[Read more]
Whaleman7 replied to the topic hey people in the forum Opinionated! 14 years ago
Welcome John,Great goal, what's the plan to get there? buy, renovate? build?You're in the right city to acheive it, Townsville is a solid perfomer with incredible growth opportunities for the future. I live in Townsville aswell. Have a couple of IP's and in the process of subdividing and building a couple more. There's bargins galore around at the…[Read more]
Whaleman7 replied to the topic Can you still buy cheap properties which are positive cashflow or cheap in todays market?? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Well done Nathan, good onya!I've just purchased a 2 x 2 BR duplex in Townsville.Renting for $1000 per week short term, Fully furnished – Average 90% occupancy over the year – $46K return.Paid $540KAnd the cream is that it has another 500sqm of land on the back that i'm going to build two townhouses on!Just gotta think outside the box : )
Whaleman7 replied to the topic Article on residential building slump API newsletter in the forum Heads Up! 14 years ago
G'day all,Thanks Beedie & Dwolfe for directing me onto that old thread, very interesting!I'm also putting together a small unit developement, and that was very encouraging news.It's crazy, people are trying to discourage me at the moment saying that property prices are still going to go down! They don't realise that, that's great news! That just…[Read more]
Whaleman7 replied to the topic Property Development Aspirations in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago
Hi Kaylon,First, congratulations!, you know what you want. It's very important to start with the end in mind. I think all the previous posts have covered what/ who you need as far as a team. As Matt says, most important, to answer your question on structure is your accountant. They can taylor a structure to suit your needs, however the way I see…[Read more]
Whaleman7 replied to the topic Seminar – Mark Rolton in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago
ER3110 you are not accepting emails, I Can't PM you?
Whaleman7 replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years ago
Townsville, North QLD – Paradise!! Would love to hear from anyone else up this way…
Whaleman7 replied to the topic Looking for a “Mentor” in regards to Property Options – Melbourne based ideally in the forum Hi all,
I’m also interested 14 years agoHi all,I'm also interested in talking to like minded people/ metors about Property options, especiall massland's model.I'm based in Nth Qld. Would love to hear successes with this and other similar strategies. PM me
Whaleman7 replied to the topic Seminar – Mark Rolton in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago
Hi all,Interesting thread, and great site.I've listened to all the positives and negatives on this thread and not discounting any of them. I'm interested in talking to to people via PM or phone who have had successes and banked money with Massland. Me – I've done massland's Real estate university 3 day course several months ago. I found the course…[Read more]
Whaleman7 replied to the topic Development Finance in the forum Finance 15 years ago
Thanks for the advice everyone,Sorry I didn't reply sooner – just figured out how to subscribe to posts I've made.Banker, i've done a few figures and if I refinace to 90% I will have enough for 20% deposit for both land and construction, I just didn;t really want to use that if I could help it. What would be the ball park figures if I did go with…[Read more]
Whaleman7 replied to the topic Closing an option deal. in the forum Creative Investing 15 years ago
Hi all,Very interesting reading and good learning, thanksDoes anyone have any experience in dealing with options in Qld? In particular wether stamp duty is payable?Dale
Whaleman7 replied to the topic Seminar – Mark Rolton in the forum hi all,
new here, how to I 15 years agohi all,new here, how to I subscribe to post's like this?Dale
Whaleman7 replied to the topic Developing basics in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago
G'day All,Great to see! That would be a big help – I'm new to the development world also.Looking at doing a small townhouse development in Townsville. Having some challenges in pre-feasobility stage getting all the figures I need. Builders giving huge range with estimates ($1400 – $2000 p/sqm)?? Has anyone got any experience in the Townsville…[Read more]
Whaleman7 replied to the topic Townhouse Development in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Hi guys,I'm also new and interested in a developing a townhouse project in Townsville. Did you have any luck in getting any construction costs from local builders?Dale Lee