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  • wezwaz replied to the topic Property Value in the forum Opinionated! 9 years ago


    I think you missed my point about share markets rising to new highs. The point is the Japanese share market hasn’t remotely approached the high it set in 1989 – 27 years ago! Our market hasn’t remotely approached the high set in 2007 – 9 years ago. So when people make generalizations, you have to take them with a grain of salt. It’s often…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Property Value in the forum Opinionated! 9 years ago

    Thanks for replies. I guess my post is a little bit cynical, but sometimes I can’t help it. I am more into shares than property, but having read and observed a lot about both investments, I do get a bit sick of generalizations people make, e.g. you can’t go wrong with property; it’s the land where the value is (may be the case if you’ve got a…[Read more]

  • wezwaz started the topic Property Value in the forum Opinionated! 9 years ago

    My parents have a house that may be 50+ years old on a block of land that has a land valuation (according to rates notice) around $120,000. Now, we are all told buildings depreciate. Therefore, theory says the house should be fully depreciated and the total value of house and land should be $120,000? Well, you try and buy it for that price. Good…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Bizare mining town FIFO article in the forum Opinionated! 13 years ago

    Sometimes I tend to think the mining lifestyle is glamorised a bit with all the media coverage. Let me give you a bit more perspective on a FIFO lifestyle, from someone who is living it.There is nothing glamorous about a FIFO lifestyle, especially in the Pilbara of WA. The only glamor is in your pay packet. That's it.It is stinking hot in the s…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Offset Account v Principal Pay Down in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Jamie M wrote:
    Hi WesI'm a little lost with your post but if you're 100% sure your PPOR will never become an IP, then pay down the principle on your PPOR and borrow against it when you're ready to invest. CheersJamie

    OK Jamie, let me have another go and in reference to Cameron's reply also…Currently I have a 15 year P&I loan for $330,000 – at…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Offset Account v Principal Pay Down in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Jamie (or anyone who wants to contribute)I want to revisit this topic…I admit I don't know enough about the ins and outs of property, but have been thinking about all the contributions to my post.Let's say I have no inkling whatsoever that my PPOR may one day become a rental property. It would seem the best solution still would be to ext…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Offset Account v Principal Pay Down in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Thanks Jamie, for the tip. This has been an eye opener!I want to present a further scenario on the article you wrote for API:Say I have bought my PPOR for $450k with a $330k loan. After depositing money into my offset account, it eventually reaches a balance of $330k. Obviously, then I am paying no interest. On the other hand I'm not getting any…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Offset Account v Principal Pay Down in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Whoops! I was talking about PPOR, so I won't be paying interest only. I know there are many strategies, but in a world that is drowning in debt, getting rid of it is probably the best option. When growth appears unlikely, gearing helps no-one, whether it be property or the share market.

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Daniel Kertcher Trade Ability Income Course in the forum Heads Up! 13 years ago

    Just remember with options, like any other investment, there's no free ride and it's not the keys to the castle.I have been involved in writing covered calls and puts. I believe it is a useful strategy under the right conditions, but there is always a downside to consider. It is much better than sitting and waiting for dividends. One premium…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Toowoomba Villas in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    TrevThe villa in Centenary Heights is new.I am looking to make a choice on living in Perth or Toowoomba, so looking for an owner occupier. Toowoomba is my home area, but Perth puts me closer to work. The dilemma is Perth is so expensive, but then again every capital city is. It's not a matter of what I can afford. It's about drawing a line in the…[Read more]

  • Printing more money; taking on more debt…where does it end? We have had some disastrous failures in the past few years. One suspects it is inevitable we are in for the mother of all crises sometime in the future. It has to happen, simply because global economies will not take their medicine.To a "simpleton" like me, growth in money supply can…[Read more]

  • Don't totally agree with you, Steve.Economies (countries) seem to play by a different set of rules to individuals. They shouldn't, but they do. An individual can have the rug pulled out from underneath them quickly and be bankrupted. Not countries, oh no. We've just had it with Greece. They should have been cut loose for their useless…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic “Home Ownership Dream Ebbing Away” in the forum Heads Up! 15 years ago

    ErikI'm not prepared to say whether it is right or wrong. However, one thing I'd say is never get too comfy thinking the Australian property market is immune from downturns, and even the unexpected, i.e. "that could never happen here" mentality. We've seen this sort of wayward thinking in the share market, when we least expect a crash.Property…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Arbitrage Sports betting in the forum This has been going on for 16 years ago

    This has been going on for years and will continue into the future because useless regulators like ASIC and Fair Trading are absolutely and completely clueless in doing anything to stop it. Scammers register with ASIC because it "legitimises" their name in the eyes of the unsuspecting public. It is such a limp process and anyone can do it. It's…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Arbitrage Sports betting in the forum Heads Up! 16 years ago

    W J HookerBetter listen to Bootlace because he knows his "onions". You don't understand probability if you think you can win using your system. There have been documented cases of card counters winning at blackjack because, to my knowledge, it's the only casino game you can put the odds in your favour. But my guess is you still have to be quite…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Global Reseshion, what will it do to house prices??? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    TonyI don't have a huge opinion on this, but will just make one point. Don't get too cosy thinking property is immune to big falls like the share market. It may not fall to that degree. But if circumstances come together and there is a panic (and that's the key) you never know what might happen.There is a tendency to take comfort in the points you…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Arbitrage Sports betting in the forum Heads Up! 16 years ago

    That's right, Gazza. Logic says why would you sell a fool proof money-making system? Just use it and make all the money you want. The reasoning is usually something along the lines that they just want to share their success.These systems are for gamblers and should be marketed as such (if they insist on selling them). You cannot make a living out…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Arbitrage Sports betting in the forum Heads Up! 16 years ago

    WJ HookerYour argument is flawed. It won't work. If you believe it, then give up your day job and work your system. Why would you work if all the money you need is on tap betting on the horses? Nope. You love your work and don't want to give it up. Fine, but you still have all that money on tap to build your property and/or share portfolio.Anyone…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Arbitrage Sports betting in the forum Heads Up! 16 years ago

    To sum up, these sorts of shemes are out and out scams.If you part with thousands of dollars, you'll end up with a useless piece of software, which they tell you is sophisticated. What a joke! They're all the same – con you into thinking they've got a secret to making money that no-one else knows; tell you to hurry because there are only a few…[Read more]

  • wezwaz replied to the topic Property Prices in the forum Opinionated! 17 years ago

    Off topic. Please start another thread.So no-one disagrees with what I said in my original post?

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