wealthyjay replied to the topic Highly paid, low qual jobs in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 5 months ago
I have seen a number of women working on Rigs in a number of positions including medic, Cleaning/laundry, Engineer, Cook, and Lab Tech. Bear in mind that these women are working on production platforms, which are a little more cushy than drilling rigs. No matter what, offshore work is still very much a boys club and it will always be hard for a…[Read more]
wealthyjay replied to the topic Highly paid, low qual jobs in the forum No Subject 19 years, 5 months ago
After lurking for a while, I thought I would chime in with this one.
i am a Chemist who has been working in the mainstream of Chemistry degree offered opportunities, namely analytical chemistry in Environmental labs. All good and well, and cruising toward a managerial type position. This is all fine and well, but in this country there is very…[Read more]