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  • Wattoette replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    It seems too many people believe everything they read…….Most articles and books are that persons own personal view, and how and what they have done was suitable to their own circumstances….You have to take bits and pieces from each one and make your own truth with the facts you can gleam from these people and real life statistics over a long…[Read more]

  • Wattoette replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties in the forum Actually Kaylah…..It 14 years ago

    Actually Kaylah…..It sounds like he is not even a professor !!!!!!!

  • Wattoette replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Kaylah, I hope you dont take this atricle as gospel either, as he is just a professor putting his own personal views across….he mentions the Insurer Terri Scheer, but then if you have read all the comments that follow you would have also seen this comment……I hope the writer does not have any vested interest with Terri Scheer. I had insurance…[Read more]

  • Wattoette replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Thanks for the site Kaylah, can I ask though….did you read all the comments after this article ??Corie, as I have read in other articles, here is a snippet of one that i have read ….House prices double every seven to 10 years is a myth – Bisbane house prices did not increase during the period 1993 to 2003Read more:…[Read more]

  • Thanks Ana, the plan works in theory I just have to put it into practice. If I am ever looking at reno's I may give you a call :)Maxine, Thank you for your input. I had a look at the Mackay apartments but I am not even considering Mackay as a High Growth area in the near future, if I was to invest in North QLD, I would be looking at Cairns as there…[Read more]

  • Thanks for your input Ana,I personally do not want to get involved with Reno's, I already have a unit that needs reno's and I find I do not have the time or the motivation to do it, this is my PPOR so we are in no rush but I look at it and it all seems like too hard of work for the benefit you get. Thankfully it is only cosmetic reno's inside,…[Read more]

  • Wattoette replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Jonesi274putting money into term deposits requires you to pay even more tax as you then have to pay tax on the earnings of the interest etc. My thoughts with negative gearing is to pay extra off the principal while we we can afford to as well as accept the tiny cost that they incur to begin with, but it wont take long then to gain capital g…[Read more]

  • Thanks Alistair I am taking your input on board……I am having a very good luck at all their sites over the next few days.

  • Hi Stenno,Its good to know I am not alone in my search for a reputable mentor…..There is so many out there it is hard to know who to trust.MRD (Investment Mentor) seem to be OK from the contact I have had with them so far, but it will take me travelling to QLD and meeting with them before I will gaurantee any kind of transparency. They only deal…[Read more]

  • Thanks globaltravellerI would love to have that opportunity to go to the free clubs, but I live in a remote mining town in North WA and cannot jump on  a plane every week to go to any of these….Most of my leg work has to be done on the computer or telephone which does make it quite difficult. I am trying to read as much info as I can so that I…[Read more]

  • Wattoette replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Proptyman, thank you….that is a good idea with the granny flats etc…not something I had thought about.Kaylah, I am not interested in making money right now out of property as my hubby and I are both earning exceptional money and anymore income would mostly all go to the Tax man which is not what I want.I am interested in property to set us up…[Read more]

  • To APerryI found Jennie Brown on the net like many others…..The mini course that she is sending me each day is a very short paragraph on a different subject each day, not a lot of info really…….Same problem though, how do I tell if she is really legit before I go passing over all my personal financial information….It is still only via…[Read more]

  • Thanks everyone, I appreciate your feedback. I am in the process of doing Jennie Brown's 9 day Mini course in Property Investment and I am finding this helpful, I still have a lot to learn though.I understand what you are saying about mentors, but would still like a more proven track record on a business before I start to give them all my…[Read more]

  • Wattoette replied to the topic Investment Advice in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Thanks eilatan28 & JT7, I thought I had read something along those lines but could not remember the exact way that it worked. Cheers for the info  

  • Wattoette replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Thanks ipalad for your info

  • Wattoette replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Thanks Tony I will look at your site also.

  • Wattoette replied to the topic Investment Advice in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Correct me if I am wrong but I have heard you can rent your PPOR as a property investor and the rent can be a tax deduction !! Can this please be confirmed.I have also heard a lot of investors rent their PPOR as it is cheaper to rent in certain areas than buy and you can afford to live in a more prestigious house without the expense of maintaing t…[Read more]
