water replied to the topic Positive/Neutral Geard Property Everywhere? in the forum General Property 16 years ago
Thanks for the replies…So Ummester & W J Hooker you are saying wait better deals are to come?
water replied to the topic Help Needed!! About to sell and need to do some basic reno’s in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago
you use enamel on doors and skirting boards as it doesnt mark as easily and is easier to clean if if does mark. We have an old kithen i was considering replacing benchtops only and painting doors and putting new handles on have got quote from 3 ppl they lal pretty much laughed saying it was pointless but to give you an idea benchtop replacement…[Read more]
water replied to the topic Investing in Holland in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
HiI have read on this forum before that the laws in Holland are not favorable to the Landlord. Sure that doesn't help much but if you look in the archive you might be able to find the post that i am talking about. Otherwise i think it was elkam that wrote about it…???
water replied to the topic Wanting to buy a duplex in the forum General Property 18 years ago
have a look on http://www.realestate.com.auYou will be able to see whats around. I would check out the vacancy rates in Cairns as my work has just got a job up there and there are plenty of places to rent there.
water replied to the topic Property Investing Just as risky as stock market in the forum General Property 18 years ago
Im not sure either way but i think property is just familiar. How many people in Australia want to own there own home? It would certainly be the majority. For this reason people learn about property by default therefore they are familiar with it and it isnt as scary as shares… Shares on the other hand are pretty well foreign territory. I b…[Read more]
water replied to the topic Partner Resistance Issues in the forum General Property 18 years ago
I don't think disconnecting Foxtel will get her to read the book i think it will just make her angry – it would make me angry! ( not foxtel but being told/made to do something). hahahI have tried getting my boyfriend (of 7 yrs) to do a lot of things he hasn't wanted to and each time it has been the worst time in our relationship (like qui…[Read more]
water replied to the topic Making Money in the forum General Property 18 years ago
Anyone know any good share market forums?
water replied to the topic Redcliffe’s smiling in the forum General Property 18 years ago
its true the beach stinks! and there are soo many sea lice it is not worth swimming there. I have noticed since i have moved (2004) from there that there has been alot of growth and that more ppl seem to be taking advantage of the water, there are lots of jet skis and boasts around. Even with the new bridge transport will be an issue. Bus…[Read more]
water replied to the topic How would a student with an education debt go about property investing? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
HiWhen i recently went for my first loan HECS/HELP debt was not even considered. I mentioned it to the broker and he said it wasn't a concern. What they will look at is your income for serviceability of the loan, employment history, other debt-Credit Card limit (doesn't matter how much you actually owe). Although my initial loan was for my PPOR so…[Read more]
water replied to the topic What is PPOR ??? can some one explain it to me more details.. Thanx in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
hey therePPOR – Principle Place of Residence. The home you own and live in. IP – Investment Property a house your own and rent out.Hope that helps
water replied to the topic Is cash flow positive possible using a buyers agent ????? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
If you are using a buyers agent can't you specify what you are looking for?say you want cash flow positive and if they can't do it talk to another buyers agent
water replied to the topic Switching from PPOR to PI and claim back on interest? in the forum PPOR is principle place of 18 years ago
PPOR is principle place of residence (your house)Good Luck
water replied to the topic Where do you see property investing in the next ten years in the forum General Property 18 years ago
Hmmmm…Would house prices rising, be a negative for the average Australian that is knocking John Howard back due to the change in IR laws? Yes it would be. i read that 51% of renters are wanting to purchase within the next 12 months while only 16% believe that it will be possible for them.Perhaps that is why John Howard is saying that housing…[Read more]
water replied to the topic Booming exports against recession in the forum General Property 18 years ago
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=280956About the mining boom From what i have read i think it will still be a few years off. As a young Australian i don't think interest rate rises and the such will bring about an immediate recession due to the fact that alot of people my age don't even know what the interest rate is! Because of this and…[Read more]
water replied to the topic Whos is working in the mines to get ahead? in the forum Forum Frolic 18 years ago
Thanks for the encouragement. I am sold. I have worked out it will take us about six months to get ready and go. I have also seen a negative post on another tread on this forum but i am sure that if we put enough effort into it we will reap the rewards. We both have some relevant experience – i am working for a civil construction company as a…[Read more]
water replied to the topic Whos is working in the mines to get ahead? in the forum Forum Frolic 18 years ago
Thanks for the replys it really gets me thinking!One thing that plays heavily when i am trying to make a decision (going on 1 yr now i will stop procrastinating) is the never get a job adage. See link http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2006/07/10-reasons-you-should-never-get-a-job/I first realised the irony of wokring hard for money reading R…[Read more]
water replied to the topic Average property management percentage in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
thanks i will keep that in mind having reented for about 3 yrs you can defffinitley tell that some property managers don't do alot!!!
water replied to the topic Bird dogging in the forum Creative Investing 18 years ago
HiI have located a stand alone duplex and am not currently in a position to buy again for another 4 months or so, i have 2 ideas – negotiate a long settlement or birdbog. This property has a positive cashflow of about $60 per week. I will be doing up a speadsheet to check all of the figures (closing costs, rates, insurance, renovations, rental…[Read more]